Chapter 13: Hate?

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Kaminari once again leads the small group as the go to the next classroom, 1-C. Kirishima turns to Bakugou and explains, "This class is a general studies course, so none of them are training to be heroes here, just so you know."

This time, as they reach the door Kirishima is the one who knocks. (Can't find out who the teacher of 1-C is so I'm making one up) A feminine voice calls for them to enter and Kirishima opens the door, smiling brightly. "Hi Mrs. Takemura! We are bringing Bakugou, the new student in 1-A, around for a tour of the school, mind if we come in?"

The short woman with brown hair and rather large glasses smiles at Kirishima, but is hesitant as she says, "Of course, come on in." The group enters, Bakugou last, slouching with a grumpy look on his face.

Students in this class seem even more scared of him than 1-B, but Bakugou supposes that is because they do not have as strong of quirks as the people he has met so far. The teacher looks at Bakugou and smiles. "Hello Bakugou-kun, how are you?"

His upper lip pulls up slightly into a snarl. "Shitty."

The smile on the woman's face recedes. "I would appreciate if you didn't use that language in my classroom."

Bakugou just looks away from the woman, scowling as he mumbles quietly, "Like I'd fucking care," but he does not swear loudly enough for the room to hear. An improvement, the teacher thinks.

"So what can we do for you all?" the woman asks Kirishima, once again sporting a smile.

Kirishima grins back. "We just want to show him around and have him meet some people, I guess."

Ashido smiles mischievously. "Yeah. He doesn't want anyone to know he's secretly a touch deprived teddy bear at heart! We are trying to get him out into the world before—"

An angry Bakugou turns to her. "You..." he growls as he approaches Ashido, small explosions going off in his hands, scaring the students in the room besides his own classmates. Ashido walks right up to Bakugou as his hands release more and more explosions. She reaches for one of his hands and as soon as she does so, Bakugou angrily stops letting off explosions, grumbling.

Ashido laughs, turning to the surprised teacher and students and holds Bakugou's hand in the air. "See? He wouldn't hurt any of us! 'Cuz he cares~" she croons toward Bakugou teasingly as he wrenches his hand away from her and crosses his arms over his chest.

He lets out a huff. "Fuck off, Pinky."

The girl giggles, "Oh Blasty, we love ya!"

Bakugou's face scrunches up as he shouts, "Don't call me that!"

Some students laugh at the very teenager-like scene. Kirishima walks over to Bakugou and slings an arm around his shoulders again, asking the teacher, "So could we ask people to say hi? Maybe give introductions?"

Mrs. Takemura grins, eyes soft as she looks at the villain child. Nobody expected all this from such a terrible villain. But kids will be kids, and Ground Zero is no different. "Of course! Let's have each student stand to introduce themselves."

Just as she said, the teacher had each student take turns introducing themselves. Bakugou's eyebrows go up as he sees a messy, purple covered head begin to rise, followed by sleep deprived eyes and a blank expression. He remembers seeing this kid on tv when he watched the sports festival, scouting out the students. Why on earth isn't he in a hero course, though? "I'm Shinsou Hitoshi," the boy says emotionlessly before his eyes narrow at Bakugou. His face morphs into a dark glare as he continues, "And you are the villain who killed my parents and younger sister." Bakugou begins to feel uncomfortable as the ambiance of the room darkens, closing in on him. Shinsou spats, "I hate you more than anyone in this damn world."

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