Chapter 10: Announcement

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Class 1-A was given a week to recuperate, calming down in the dorms. Throughout the time, Bakugou became even closer to his new classmates, Kirishima especially, than he had been to almost anyone in his life. Besides Sensei, that is.

But, anyways, the class has grown closer, and has a deeper understanding of the villain in their midst. Some students in their class are quite confused as well because though Bakugou has done so many terrible deeds, he still cares about them all in his own bratty, confusing ways.

As many of the students sit on the couch, watching as Kaminari and Sero face off in Smash Bros, Kirishima turns to Bakugou, who sits relaxed against the back of the couch, arms crossed over his chest, and classic scowl on his face. "Bro, are you ready to actually go to school this time, he says with humor in his voice.

Bakugou scoffs, "It's probably just gonna be irritating with a bunch of old people talking about books, right? It sounds stupid."

Kirishima laughs and wipes a tear from his eye, "Oh my gosh, that's great. Imagine how weird it'd all sound if you had never been to school." Kirishima's laugh tapers off as he sees Bakugou's scowl scrunch his face up further. Kirishima looks at him nervously, "You have been to school... right?"

Conversation in the room stops as everyone looks over at Bakugou. The bookworms of the class—Iida, Midoriya, and Yaoyorozu—look absolutely horror struck. Bakugou becomes defensive, teeth bared. "So what if I haven't been to school since fucking preschool! It doesn't fucking matter!"

"Dude, how do you know all the math? You knew how to do all of our work!" Kaminari shouts.

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou growls out, "Just because I haven't been to an actual school doesn't mean I don't get taught. Kurogiri, the smoke guy from USJ, has taught me everything you know and more. I could graduate high school right now if I fucking wanted to!"

The students look at the blonde in amazement. Midoriya pipes up, star-struck expression on his face, "Wow, Kacchan! I knew you were really smart, but you are a prodigy!"

Bakugou smirks. "Duh, Deku. I'm better than all of you idiots."

"But you love us, Bakugou," Ashido singsongs from Bakugou's other side.

The villain blushes, turning to the girl angrily, "I do not! Why would I even fucking like you extras!"

Ashido just smile widely and says, "Uh huhhh..."

Bakugou huffs, turning away, ignoring Kirishima's bright smile.

"Shut up," he pouts.

Ashido flings herself on Bakugou, "Awww, Blasty!"

"Don't call me that! And get off!" he shrieks. He has improved drastically than when he first arrived at UA. Now, when touched, Bakugou does not panic. He feels safer. That is, only when it is one of his classmates coming into contact with him. He is unsure how he will interact with students from other classes, as they will be going back to class tomorrow.

Finally, a normal day.

Before that, however, the students have to go to a dumb announcement today. How obnoxious. What will they even tell the kids? And why did Aizawa say he needs Bakugou in particular to go to the announcement with him, though he also told the class that some of them could come along. It was decided that Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero would accompany Bakugou to the special part of the announcement.


Later that day, approaching 3:00 pm, Aizawa comes to pick up the group of students who would come with him. As they bunch up together at the door, Aizawa tells the other students in the class, who stand behind Bakugou and his entourage, "You all go to the announcement hall (I think I'm making this room up but it's a thing now lol) and take your seats. Your class has reserved seats at the front."

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