Hanging out

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Kusuo Saiki

After the day you met Saiki the two of you would meet each other at the same cafe after school each Friday. It became like a routine for the two of you. You both would talk about your days, well you did, you learned he doesn't talk much and when he does his mouth doesn't move. You thought he might be a ventriloquist. Today like every Friday, you walked into the cafe to see Saiki already there eating a coffee jelly. You smiled brightly to yourself and sat in front of him. You ordered your usual which was a coffee jelly with extra creme and a black coffee with whipped cream on top. Saiki secretly loved how simple you were. When you went to pay you were short by a couple of yen and you sighed in defeat. Saiki decided to give you the remaining yen so you could have your treat which made you light up with joy.

"You don't have to Saiki! I can just get one next time." He just shook his head.

'Call us even. Remember how we met?' He was right, but you didn't do it so he could pay you back. You were going to decline when you saw him trying to smile. He never shows emotions so for him to try warmed your heart.

"Thank you." You happily enjoyed your treat not knowing the real reason Saiki did it was to see you smile.

Kusuke Saiki

Yet again, Kusuke was dragging you into one of his schemes to beat his brother at something. At first, you hated the guy, but soon that changed after one incident.


You were supposed to bring Kusuke his homework from class since the teacher didn't want to do it and Kusuke was sick. You were highly irritated because this guy got on your last nerve. He was so annoying, snarky, cute, and...wait did I say cute? No, I couldn't have! You got to his dorm room and heard slight sniffling on the other side.' Oh right, he is sick after all.' You opened the door, not wanted to weaken him by making him get up, and walk inside. When you look to his bed you see him crying silently, covering his face with a book beside him. You gently set his homework on his desk and walked over to him, hugging the poor guy. He jerked away, allowing you to see his tear-soaked face, but not enough for you to let go.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing! I'm not crying! Why are you here?" He sounded hoarse as if the illness and the crying did a number on his voice.

"I'm here to bring you your homework and I thought you were supposed to be a genius. I'm not going to tell anyone, but I'm not leaving till you tell me why your crying." He seemed shocked a bit by your words and chuckled a bit at the fact you remember what he once said to you.

"My brother beats me at everything without even trying. Ever since we were young, even if I'm the older brother, I was always in his shadow. This sickness is just another win for him. I'll never beat him at anything!" You looked at the book to see it was a tally chart. He must really resent his brother to the point it's driving him crazy.

"How is it a win?"

"He can't get sick because he is a psychic." Your eyes widen a bit at the word.' People can really be psychics?'

"Well, you got into one of the best schools in the world at such a young age.  Your brother hasn't done that, has he?" He shot his head up and thought about it when a smile crossed his face.

"I guess your right. Thank you, {Y/n}."

"What are friends for. If you need help beating him, I'll be there."

End of Flashback

Kusuke was smiling and laughing at the thought of his plan going into action, and to be honest, you were so happy because he was smiling, which you loved to see.' Only because he is a friend, of course!'

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