the losers sunny day

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trigger warning
kinda the same stuff as last time

the losers club loved summer. especially because they got to spend it with each other. they had planned to go out all together and walk around and go to the quarry. eddie was excited about seeing them, definitely not stan because of last night but hopefully he wouldn't bring that up. he wasn't excited for the quarry.

he wore a long sleeved knitted yellow sweater and some light blue jean shorts with yellow converse (kinda modern. i know. hah) he was just waiting for the call to meet everyone at the park.

about 7 minutes after waiting he heard the phone ring. he ran down to answer, "hello?"
"yo ed's wanna walk to the quarry together" it was beverly.
"sure, wanna meet at the corner store then head there?" he asked. she said yes and he started making his way. she was closer so he had further to walk.

once he made it there he saw her waiting
"holy shit ed's, it's hot out here. why are you wearing a sweater?" she asked. he just shrugged her off and they started walking.
"i was outside last night and i saw stan. we went on a walk together and we got in an argument" eddie rolled his eyes.
"what's it about this time?"
"my mom. he was saying shit he didn't understand and i kinda just got pissed. i'm also kinda pissed because i haven't been hanging out with you or richie in a while and you guys are like. my best friends." she just laughed.

"yeah. we'll catch up soon. i'll make sure of it" she smiled sweetly. they walked the rest of the in silence.
once they reached the park all of the losers were waiting. beverly ran up to them while eddie slowly walked. he wasn't ready for today.

when eddie finally made it to them richie was the first to speak, "so spaghetti, why are you wearing a sweater in 100 degree heat?"
"it's not 100 degrees idiot. and it was comfortable so i put it on. can we go now?" he asked not wanting anymore attention on him. they all nodded and started walking to the quarry.

eddie didn't even dare to look in the direction of stan.
but stan was already looking at eddie. he had assumed something happened because of last night since they had a fight, but he wasn't sure.

"hey my mom texted me and told me to go get georgie and bring him to a friends house. anyone wanna come?" eddie nodded and went with bill.
it took about 8 minutes to get there. they walked up and the door was unlocked.

"georgie" bill yelled. he walked up the stairs to his room to get him, but he wasn't there. "hey eddie, is Georgie down there?" eddie looked around.

he replied with a simple 'no' and bill started to freak out.
"hey bill, calm down. check everywhere. he might be in the basement." so they checked. they checked everywhere. the house, front yard, back yard, the whole block and no sign of georgie. they walked back to bills house. "hey calm down bill. call your mom and ask her about it" eddie said reassuringly.

after about 5 minutes of bill talking to his mom they still didn't know where he was. bills mom was on her way home which would take about 20 minutes. "hey bill. let's go wait in the living room yeah?"

they were in the leaving room for only 5 minutes when bill started freaking out. he kept saying scenarios of what could happen to georgie. he started crying and panicking.

"hey bill calm down, take slow deep breathes. okay? okay. count to 5 yeah? okay. hey look at me," bill looked at eddie who was now sitting in front of him on the couch. "we're going to find him okay? don't worry. it's georgie. he's tough. he's fine."

bills eyes flickered down to eddies lips, eddie caught this and started to lean in. bill closed the gap and rested his hands on eddies waist. eddies hands were on the sides of bills face. the kiss was soft and clearly meant something. eddie straddled bill and deepened the kiss.
bill flipped them so he was on top, he started kissing down eddies neck. eddie let a moan escape his lips. and bill went crazy about that. he kept kissing until he found his spot (no clue what you call it hah)

"bill" eddie moaned, bringing his hands into bills hair and pulling it a little. they were all caught up they didn't hear the front door open. but they didn't hear the gasp of 5 other losers. bill jumped off eddie and they both looked at each other awkwardly.

richie looked at them, "well damn. if i knew this was going to be a sex party i would've been prepared" they all bursted out laughing, except stan. bills mom came into the house moments later.

"he's at carl's house. he walked there. he didn't want to wait on you. he's fine" they all sighed in relief. it was getting a little darker at night, but not any colder. so they went to the quarry. bill and eddie didn't talk about what happened. they didn't the first time. they won't now.

they were all about to jump except eddie. his armed was bandaged up but they would still ask questions and soon find out. "hey you coming eddie?" richie asked.

"no, i'm not in the mood to swim. sorry" and with that everyone jumped. everyone except stan. eddie rolled his eyes. he got up and started walking away.

"leaving so soon eds?" stan joked. eddie just turned around and said "tell them i left. clearly. thanks." stan ran up to eddie and grabbed his wrist. eddie winced and pulled his arm away.

"what's wrong?" stan replied and looked at eddie then his arm.
"nothing." eddie turned around to leave. but stan grabbed his shoulder to turn him around.
"seriously what's up? you've been way more bitchy and quiet."
"well thanks stan. nothings wrong. i'm just not in the mood. i'm going home"
eddie said
"hey not so fast. what's up with your arm?" eddie just shook his head.
eddie looked behind stan, "it was just mom" he lied. and stan knew he was lying. so without warning he grabbed eddies arm and pulled up his sleeve. he expected to see a big bruise but he just saw a bandaged with dried blood on it.

"eddie..." his voice trailed. he knew what happened. what he did.
"hey homos" a loud voice boomed. eddie put his sleeve down and stan turned around. the losers had gotten out and they were ready to leave. stan looked at eddie with guilt in his eyes.

eddie made sure no one could hear them, "if you tell anyone about this i will hurt you." eddie threatened. stan just saw eddie break a little more and watched him walk away. they all walked home together. they were going to bills for a sleepover.

haha kinda juicy?
so from here on out it's not gonna go slow. sorry haha. so basically eddie will have 'benefits' with richie, bill, and stan (without each knowing) and yeah.
so basically every chapter will have a moment with them or something.
this chapter wasn't the best sorry ahah
next it the sleepover.
here we go.

not proofread
1247 words

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