late night tears, hugs, and kisses

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trigger warning

the losers were all laughing and telling stories. they were having a good time. they played board games, watched movies, and just talked. bills mom brought some pizza down and told them to get settled down soon. they all grabbed some pizza and started eating. except eddie, he didn't want to eat. he never ate, the thought eating would make him uglier and fatter.

"hey eddie are you going to get a piece?" ben asker. eddie shook his head no and told them he wasn't hungry.
"yeah no. you haven't eaten all day eddie, you must be starving" bev said.
"yeah well i'm not" he snapped back. they all gave each other a look and went back to their own conversations.

bev was talking to ben and bill, mike and stan were talking, and richie sat down by eddie.
"hey are you okay? you've been distant lately and kinda rude," richie said.
"i'm fine." eddie told him. they just started talking about random things.

after a while they all settled down and got their beds made, bill and mike were sleeping on the couch (it was big okay. that's what she said.) stan, ben, beverly, richie, and eddie all slept on the floor in that order. they watched a bunch of old movies.

they had all fallen asleep, besides eddie. he got up and went outside through the basement door. he just sat on the bench and cried. he didnt know why he was crying. he just missed his dad and hated his mom. he sat there for a couple minutes before he heard the door open. he turned his head and saw richie coming outside. he quickly wiped his tears.

"hey why are you outside?"
"i heard you get up and came to see if you were alright." richie said concerned.
"i'm fine rich, just wanted fresh air." eddie said trying to hide his tear stained face. richie sat down and looked at eddie, "what's wrong eddie?"
eddie just shook his head and put it on richies shoulder.
"i'm sorry" eddies voice broke.

"why are you sorry eds?"
"this is so stupid. i was supposed to come here with you guys and have fun. but i can't. my thoughts are so loud chee, i just want to be normal. i want my dad to come home and i want my mom to stop forcing so many pills down my throat, i just want a normal life. i just want to be happy." he sobbed. richie just held him and whispers sweet nothings in his ear.

the losers were all awake by then, they were inside listening to them talk. they all walked out and saw eddie and richie hugging.
"hey eddie, your mom called. she needs you home, something important." beverly said in a soft voice. eddie just nodded and walked inside to grab his stuff.

"want me to walk with you?" richie asked when he made it outside again. eddie just shook his head, "i'll be fine rich. it's not to far of a walk" they all had their doubts about him walking alone but let him.

eddie started walking away when richie called his name. he turned around and they were all inside but richie. he ran to eddie and gave him a hug, "you're going to be fine eds, you're strong. you'll get through it." he whispered.
when they pulled apart their faces were inches apart, so they both leaned in. their lips moved in sync with each other. they kissed for about 20 seconds before eddie pulled away and gave him one last hug before he walked away.

eddie made it home in about 15 minutes, when he saw 2 police cars and an ambulance outside his house. he ran to it and saw his mom, "momma what's going on?" he asked scared.
"he's gone eddie. your fathers gone." she sobbed.
"he committed suicide"

short chapter.
next one will be juicy too 👀
anyways. hope you enjoyed this one. it's kinda all over the place but it's okay right. yeah no.
i still can't say it gets better. i suck at writing so. thank you haha

not proofread
694 words

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