shopping shenanigans

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3rd pov (i think)
i didn't know a title name so i put that. i hate it.
trigger warning (mentions eddies dads death)


beverly and eddie walked into the crowded mall.

"so i just want some new clothes and stuff, we should get you some cute clothes. and oh i have an idea," beverly looked eddie.
"what's the idea?" he asked smiling lightly.

"what if we got your ears pierced?" beverly asked hopefully.
"no way, my mom would kill me," eddie said shaking his head.
"that's the point eddie, who cares what your mom thinks. come on eddie, you'd look so cute," bevely said practically begging.
"fine- stop smirking," eddie gave in.

they walked over to Claire's and eddie sat down on the chair. he picked out a small black diamond looking one.

"okay this might hurt, do you want to hold on to anything?" the lady asked.
eddie just shook his head while beverly grabbed his hand. eddie closed his eyes and heard that lady count down. then they repeated it on the other ear.

it wasn't bad at all, there was no pain. eddie looked at a mirror and smiled, he liked them. he knew his mom would be pissed but who cares. they walked out smiling and chatting.

"okay that was fun. i know this guys that works here in tattoo shop, he could get us in for free and you could get a tattoo, we both could. and oh, we could buy some hair dye and dye your hair. please eddie," beverly asked.

eddie waited a few seconds before grinning, "if it pisses my mom off, then sure."
beverly squealed and took eddies hand leading them to a tattoo shop.

"hey is jackson here?" beverly asked a guy. he nodded and pointed to the back. they walked back there.
"hey jackson, mind giving us some free tattoos?" beverly smiled.

"anything for you beverly. how many you guys want?" he asked looking at them both.

"eddie can we both get two? i know it's your first but i have good ideas." beverly asked.
"why the hell not."


they walked out of the tattoo shop smiling from ear to ear.
beverly got a butterfly on her shoulder and a wave on her middle finger.
eddie got a semicolon on his left wrist and the word "losers" with a red "v" over the s on the back of his left ankle. (like his cast. i didn't know how to explain it haha. the pictures with be at the bottom)

"you didn't even flinch eddie. or cry, i did on my first tattoo," beverly said.
"yeah well, i'm just tough," they giggled. "lets shop some more then we  can get the dye and go back home." eddie said.


they got back to eddies house, they both got some new clothes and the hair dye. eddie decided on a purple/pink color (itll be at the end)

they went into his moms bathroom and got a chair in front of the mirror. beverly got all the stuff ready and started putting it on eddies hair.
"oh shit. we're doing this," eddie said shocked.

"it's going to look so good," beverly smiled at eddie. she continued putting the dye on his hair.

when she finished they let it set and washed it out.
"okay ready?" beverly said. eddie nodded his head and looked up. they locked eyes through the mirror and cracked a smile.
"i love it. i love it so fucking much. thank you bev," he turned around and hugged her.

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