cant hold on

37 2 4

trigger warning

stuff gets hot and heated (not smut. just making out and stuff)


eddie was pacing around his room, it was 8 in the morning and he was supposed to go to the pharmacy today to get some more pills. his mother didn't want to leave the house so he had to. he hated going there because mr. keene was there. he always gave a weird vibe to eddie but he didn't want to acknowledge it. eddies mom had left about an hour ago and wouldn't be home until later that night.

the losers hadn't planned to hang out today so he was stuck home all day. he was glad he wouldn't see them today because he didn't want to talk to richie, because of last night. he almost saw all of his cuts, that would've been bad.

he got ready and left to go to the pharmacy. the pharmacy was a couple blocks away so it didn't take him long to get there. once he  got there he went up to the register.

"oh hey eddie, need your pills?" mr. keene spoke, which made chills run up eddies spin. he just nodded his head and looked away. he got his pills and left, he didn't want to be in there anymore. as he was walking out he saw beverly. he hoped she didn't see him too. but he wasn't so lucky.

"hey eddie, what are you doing?" she asked sweetly. "just getting my pills. what are you doing?"

"nothing," she spoke.
"you look tired bev" she just nodded, "richie and i stayed up again all night" she chuckled.
ah yes richie, he hasn't talked to him since last night and he doesn't want to make things awkward. hopefully he wasn't here.

"fuck off!" they both turned their heads to see richie coming from around the corner. beverly just rolled her eyes.
"there's some old idiot back there" he said.

"i better get home, my mom doesn't like me out to long" eddie said. richie hasn't noticed he was there, but they both looked at him. "are you sure eddie? you could hang with richie and i"

eddie just shook his head, "n-no i cant. sorry guys. bye" he said and walked off.


on his way home he saw ben and bill, eddie waved at them. "hey eddie, how are you?" ben asked.
"i'm good," he lied. "what are you guys doing?"
"j-just walking" bill said. his stutter is better but it comes out every now and then. eddie just nodded.

"want to come over to bills house with us? we were gonna watch some movies" ben smiled. bill nodded so i agreed.

we had watched 2 movies so far then ben spoke up, "hey i gotta go guys. i'm meeting beverly so we can go to the library" we said our goodbyes and turned back to the movie.

"do you think they like each other?" bill asked.
"i mean, it would be kinda weird if mike and sully liked each other but if that's what you want to imagine go ahead." eddie said.

"no eddie," bill rolled his eyes. "i mean do you think ben and bev like each other?"
eddie just shrugged "i don't know. i think they'd be cute"

bill turned his body and looked at him in the eyes, "you think they what?"
"i think they would be cute together" he repeated.

"you're joking right?" eddie shook his head. "i like her you know?"
eddie just rolled his eyes and bill looked at him with a confused look.
"i know you like her. but you gotta be happy for her dude. life isn't easy, but if she's happy with him then she's happy. deal with it." he said in an annoyed tone.

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