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trigger warning
don't hate me


eddie woke up and went downstairs, he went into the kitchen and saw a note on the table,

"take your medicine, i'm going out of town. i'll be home tomorrow in the afternoon. no company and don't leave the house. theres plenty of food in the cabinets.

- love mom"

it was only 9 in the morning, eddie spent all night writing the notes. he went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he had bruises and cuts all over his body. he had cuts running up and down his arms and some on his legs.

he stared at himself for another moment before breaking down into a sob.

growing up eddie had a good life, his dad was home a lot and his mom didn't force pills down his throat. he was happy. at the time of his happiness he only had beverly and bill. they met back in 1st grade when eddie was new to the school. he had just moved from new york.

then in third grade he met richie and stan. even then stan hated richie. he didn't hate eddie. then in 5th grade they met ben and mike. mike was homeschooled but they saw him at the quarry alone. ever since then they were the losers club. only in seventh grade is when life started going downhill.

his dad got a new job that was out of town but sonia didn't want to move. so that meant eddies dad only came home on the weekends. having only see him 2 days of the week, sonia got more protective. she gave him pills non stop and never let him leave.

she told him he was sick and had asthma. which was true, he had asthma. but he wasn't sick. at least he didn't think he was. but after a while he just accepted it.

he got more depressed in eighth grade, that's when he started having bad thoughts and self harm problems.
eighth grade is also the year stan and eddie started hating each other.

you see, back in the summer between seventh and eighth, they got to be closer friends. eddie and richie had always been best friends, but this summer that changed. eddie and stan hung out a lot by themselves. there wasn't a real reason to this, it just happened.

one night stan and eddie were having a sleepover. they were watching a movie and sitting in silence when all of sudden eddie felt a pair of lips on his own. he pulled back and looked stan in the eye. before stan could apologize eddie reconnected their lips.

they kissed for a couple seconds before they both pulled back. they stared at each other for what seemed like forever before they kissed again. this time it was longer and more passionate. they were so caught up and weren't thinking that they didn't even think to lock stans door. stans dad opened the door and saw them kissing.

eddie went home that night and stan got beaten by his father. ever since then they hated each other and no one knew the real reason.

they were now about to go into their junior year of high school, well eddie wasn't planning on it. he heard the phone ring in the living room so he went and answered it.

"hello," he sniffled.
"hey ed's you okay?" it was bill. he heard people in the back.
"yeah yeah i'm fine. what's up?" he asked.
"well the losers are still over here and we were wondering if you wanted to come hang with us?" bill asked.
"sorry bill i would but my mom went out of town and she said i can't leave the house or have anyone over." eddie said. to be honest, he would've went over there any other day but today just wasn't the right day.

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