seven down, three more to go

43 3 2

trigger warning


he's dead
he killed himself
eddies dad was dead

eddie ran and ran. he didn't look back and he didn't stop. he ran for blocks. he looked up to see bills house. he knocked on the outside basement door and waited, he had tears running down his cheek. soon enough bill opened the door and saw all the losers club standing by the door.

"eddie what's wrong?" ben asked first. they ushered him inside. eddie leaned against the wall and looked at everyone. "eddie tell us. what's going on?" beverly broke the silence. eddie just sobbed and slid down the wall. they all ran towards him and made sure he got down safely.

about 5 minutes later he wasn't calming down but he could talk.
"eddie what's wrong?" richie asked. he never used his real name unless he was serious. eddie just shook his head and leaned it against bills shoulder.

"my dad.. he-" he took a breath in,
"he killed himself" he sobbed. all the losers looked at each other with sadness in their eyes. they all just hugged him.

he soon fell asleep so they all went outside so they didn't disturbed him.
"i hate this for him. he doesn't deserve it" beverly said. everyone just nodded. they all looked sad for him, well except stanley.

"jeez stan try to act sad at least" richie rolled his eyes.
"don't get me wrong, i feel bad. but we all go through shit. he's not the only one. yeah that sucks. but i hate him so you can't expect me to feel bad for him" he said as if it was a fact.

"shut the hell up stan-" beverly started but got cut off by the door opening.
"he's right bev, it doesn't matter. i'm just gonna go home and make sure my mom is alright." eddie said.

they all turned to him.
"no eds you shouldn't walk alone. your dad just died stay here or let one of us take you home." richie said. eddie just shook his head.
"it's fine chee, i'll be fine. it's just a couple blocks. i just need to check on my mom. i left her there" he started walking.

"no eddie stop. you can't walk alone. it's dark and you're not okay. we just want to make sure you make it home ok" richie argued.

"i'll call. but i'll be fine. just let me go" eddie said. they all agreed and he walked away. the last thing he heard was a simple "nice going stan"


he made it home in less then 20 minutes. everyone was gone so he went up to the door. it was locked so he got the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door. he went inside and went to his moms room. she was asleep so he went upstairs to his room. once he got up there he called bills house and told them he made it safe.

he went into his bathroom and looked at himself. he grabbed the container filled with razors and took one out. he put it against his wrist and didn't think twice of cutting.

he looked down and saw 11 new cuts. he didn't bother cleaning them up and just went straight to bed.


he woke up at 8:27 am and went downstairs. sonia was sitting at the table waiting for him
"come sit down eddie" she said simply. he complied and sat down. he looked at the table and saw three new pills.

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