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trigger warning i think?


Dear Mike,

since we didn't meet until fifth grade we haven't known each other for long. but i'm going to miss you.

i'm going to miss our raw conversations, i'm going to miss going over to help on the farm, i'm going to miss you mike. thank you though.

thank you for being there for me, thank you for inviting me in with open arms, thank you for making sure i was okay when something happened with my mom. thank you for making sure the losers were okay.

you really did change us for the better.
you made us see that it was okay to be different. it was okay to be the outcast, and no matter what we still had each other. i would've loved to hang out and got closer but it just didn't happen.

i know you've experienced death and that was hard on you, but don't be sad about me. be glad i'm gone, okay?

just keep the losers sane and help them. please help richie and bill. make sure they're okay after this. but make you're okay too. just know one day you'll change the world. you're one of the strongest people i know.

keep your head up and never stop believing. have fun being the homeschooled loser.

i love you Mike

Love, Eddie

Mike closed his note and looked down. all he could think of was how much he wanted eddie to be okay. he knew once he was out he would make sure to became closer friends.


authors note

mike = 🥺🥺🥺

that's all haha

not proofread
268 words

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