In the begining

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I was 8 when Tony and I first met. Tony was 11. Let's just say it wasn't a good start. We met because I, Ember Lee Jones, was a mean ass kid in second grade. I tied his shoe laces to a lunch table during breakfast. It wasn't the best choice at the time cause he was a CRY baby. He literally cried for days. So I got detention for it.

The very next day after detention my friend had told me he was a faker and didn't even cry real tears. But that didn't matter I had already had a crush on him.

Here we are twelve years later in love I guess you could say. Trust me were not a lovey couple either. We pester the shit out of each other. We pull pranks too. He even bruised his ass bone one year. I had put baby oil on the toilet seat.

But it's the past now and it hurts to think of him. It hurts to stay in the same house that he was once in.

His funeral was last Thursday. A whole week ago. The worst part is I didn't go, I was to afraid of what I would do if I saw his
face. I have took time off of school. My mom had taken me in, she's currently letting me stay until I can get straightened back out. But I don't think I ever will. All this experience has caused is pain.

Sitting in the floor of my old bedroom, I couldn't help but feel awful. Every picture we had taken together was lying face down. I repeatedly dialed his number just so I could hear his voice again. No doubt our bill would be outrageous but it was the only way I could hear his voice.

I heard a knock on the door and a head full of gray hair appeared.
"Honey come downstairs lunch is ready." My mother said in a soft voice.

"I'm not hungry, but thanks" I said as I dialed Tony's number once more.

"You are going to eat. This is three days in a row Ember. If I have to strap you in a chair and force feed you I will." She said in an eery calm voice all softness disappearing.

"Fine then."

I slowly got up, my legs wobbling. I didn't bother dusting off my pants. I had worn these clothes for many days now and I was scared to even look at myself.

I made my way downstairs, the smell of pasta sauce hitting me square in the face. My stomach instantly churned. The smell made me sick to my stomach, but I refused to be force fed when I'm 20 fucking years old.

I got down my bowl and made headed to the stove only filling up a third of the way. I grabbed my fork and made my way to the table.
I crawled up the stairs after finishing the whole bowl. My stomach was bloated and my mom watched me crawl up to my prison cell. I could tell she was worried but she didn't say a word.

So this is my first chapter I hope who ever reads this likes it <3


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