The gray headed witch

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Hello people I still haven't picked cast members and I'm not really sure if I will. I want you to imagine her however you guys want I'll list her characteristics soon :) enjoy

I sat staring at the piece of glass the had entered my shin about ten minutes ago. The bleeding has almost stopped dried blood covered my fingers. The blood now a dirty brown color.

I was still high I knew that much. I wasn't concerned about my mother. I wasn't concerned about her yelling, or crying; I didn't care about her. Or anyone at the moment except for Tony I felt empty with out him like I would never laugh again. I wanted to see him one more time. I wanted him to play with my auborn hair just one more time. I wanted him to stare into my hazel eyes once more. But we want what we can't have..

In an instance the door opened and slammed shut. I guessed it was my mom because I felt her finger nails dig into my arms as she pulled me off the ground. "You have to stop this look at you." She said pulling me over to the dresser, sitting me in a chair. She walked across the room to open the curtains, I scowled the light hurting my eyes. She walked back over to me and made me look in the mirror. I scared myself. My hair was all over the places matted together. My eyes were blood shit and whatever make up I had on was smeared around my eyes, making me look like a raccoon. My skin was pale from dehydration, I looked up at my mother to see her crying. "I understand you are in pain but look at you. Now you're popping pills so you can stop feeling pain. You are stronger than this, Ember." She said drying her tears. She grabbed my arm again and lead me to the bathroom, she ran water in the tub. "Get in."

"No." I said. She only knew about the pills not the cuts and she freak if she saw them.

"Ember, if you don't I will get Kendal to help me get you in now go."

"Go ahead go get her I'm not getting in the fucking water!" I shouted. She walked out of the bathroom, but submerged seconds later, Kendal following suit. Kendal grabbed my wrist and held it tight. Mom reached for the hem of my shirt but I squatted her hand away. "Kendal grab her other one." mom demanded. Kendal did as she was told. I couldn't put up much of a fight because of the lack of food, I put forth the most I could trying to wiggle my wrist out, but Kendal didn't budge.

I stood in my bra and underwear. My cuts very visible, my mom took them in and shook her head. She turned to Kendal and said something and Kendal walked out of the bathroom.

"Go ahead get in." She said in an emotionless voice.
I stepped in the tub the water coming up a few inches above my ankles. I sat down letting the water wash over my legs. Mom grabbed a wash cloth and a bar of soap and made it into a lather. She grabbed one of my arms and started raking the cloth across. She let my arm drop and the water was starting to become discolored. She did this with every limb I had. I laid down wetting my hair before coming back up. She used three times as much shampoo as I normally would. Raking fingernails against my scalp made my head hurt. I laid back once more to let the suds rinse off.
Once done she handed me a towel and let me dry off as she left the room I in clasped my bra and let my underwear fall to the floor, I had worn them the whole time in the tub. I wrapped the towel around my body, and looked at the water. It was a dark shade of brown almost like a dirty lake color. I looked at myself in the mirror my hair was clean but knotted and almost reached my waist. My eyes looked empty. I hated myself and how I looked so I locked the door, let my towel fall, and grab the scissors.


Do you know what she does?
In the next chapter I'll describe Tony. Sorry it's a cliffhanger. What do you guys think of ember and Kendal?
What about her mom though?





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