Chapter four

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So I was sort of thinking that she could look like this but it's whatever you guys want. Tony has brown hair and blue eyes he's gorgeous!!

I grabbed the scissors, and a hand full of hair; making sure to cut it evenly. Tony always liked my hair. He said he always liked how it fell around my face. I cut it up to my ears .

Each lock of hair that touched the floor was like pain just leaking out of my body. The more hair I cut the less pain I felt.

Once I was done with the scissors I browsed around the drawers until I found the electric razor. I plugged it up, and buzzed it right at the scalp. I couldn't help but cry as a watched myself. I never thought I would stoop this low. That I would be this pitiful. I was finally finished and walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. The curtains were still open, the light bulbs had been replaced, and the smell of rotten food was gone. My bed was made and the floors were clean. I walked over to my dresser slipping on my undergarments, and sitting back on my spot in the floor. I noticed all my pictures were sitting up again. We were at my graduation party. I was still in my gown, Tony was wearing a pair of gym short and a compression shirt. Even though I stood at 5'7" I still looked tiny compared to Tony's broad frame. His hair was all over the place from the wind, his arm rested on my hip. Even though it was my graduation; it was also a special night for another reason.

"Tony hurry up we don't have all day!!" I shouted banging on the bathroom door. It opened and he glared at me.
"Look when you turn into a guy and you have to wait on a girl, and you really have to piss you'll understand." He said walking past me to sit on my bed. "If I ever turn into a guy the first thing I'll do is rape your ass." I muttered waking into my closet to pick out what shoes to wear. I could hear Tony's footsteps coming closer. "Go sit down on the bed you loser." I said trying to find the other chuck Taylor. " Why would I do that when I could do this?" He asked.

I turned around as he shoved he to the floor earning a groan from me. "What the fuck do you think your doing, you asshat!" I shouted. He stood there with a shit eating grin.
"This." He said as he closed the door. That asshat locked me in my own damn closet, bastard. "Open the fucking door, Tony!" I screamed. Like I said before we weren't the lovey couple.

The door creaked open to reveal a very amused Tony. I got up and ran at him full speed tackling him to the floor. Before he could process what was happening I grabbed his hands and held them above his head. "Do you know how much I love this position?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"I actually wouldn't know. We've never been in this position." I said. "We should try it sometime." he said wiggling his hands out of my grip. "In your dreams buddy boy." I sneered pecking him on the lips. Before it could get any deeper I got up to put on my shoes. He got up a few moments later and brushed himself off. I walked out of the room and ran down the stairs to meet my mom. "I heard yelling. Did you two get into and argument?" She asked.

"No mom that asshat locked me in the closet." I shouted loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay." She laughed.

I grabbed my coat and headed out to the car. Tony came out seconds later. "Why didn't you wait for me?" He asked in a mock hurt voice.
"I wait for no one." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"Bye guys. I'll talk to you later!" I screamed. Okay I was a little drunk to say the least but I was still functioning right so it was okay. Tony and I exited the house and drove home. I entered the house first Tony was right on my heels.

He pressed me against the door; the room was dark and soundless. He pressed his lips to mine. The kiss wasn't rushed it was sweet, and filled with nothing but passion. he tried to deepen the kiss,biting my lip asking an entrance. I denied; if it was one thing my mother taught me it was to always make them wait and want more. And that's exactly what I planned on doing.

I pushed him away and walked up stair and into my room. I bent over and untied my shoes, but a large set of hands were planted on my hips. They shifted to lift me off the ground. Now I was a heavy girl I had pudge, stretch marks cover my thighs, and they had yet to fade. I was okay with that I didn't need to impress anyone anymore. Laying me on the bed softly, he stripped down to his boxers and crawled in bed with me.

I turned over I face him his eyes looking into mine. "You know you can't just leave me like this, right?"he asked. Not understanding the question I asked "What are you talking about?"

He pulled the cover off of his torso to reveal a bulge in his boxers. A smirk appeared on my face. I sat up to straddle his hips pressing him down further into the bed. "For a virgin you sound a little experienced, and you carry quite the package." I said sitting up straight.
"I could say the same for you DD." He defended. I smiled and leant over to whisper in his ear. "I want you. I want you to be my first and last." I said in all seriousness.

"Then let me."

That night was painful. It left like he had torn me in half. To know that we were each other's first meant the world to me though.

Like I said he was my first and now he's my last...
So I know this chapter is long but I felt good about it. I hope you guys like it.





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