Eight weeks

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((A.N. Soo. Every pregnancy is unique, and in this case she will be showing soon.))

"Eight weeks!!!" Kendal squealed, her voice echoing through the living room. My mom sat beside me, my head resting on her shoulder. "Why don't you just go and get pregnant? Then you wouldn't have to be excited every fucking milestone we get." I mumbled. "It's a little absurd for an eighteen year old lesbian to get pregnant." She said, amusement present in her voice. Kendal was a lesbian, and you'd never once guess it. "Well wait a few years and get a willing carrier." I said, I knew it would be easier than done. My mom chuckled quietly, her shoulder shaking lightly, making my head shake slightly.
"Stop that, I'm tired and you're my pillow." I said, snuggling into her shoulder a little more. Mom being the asshole she is pushed herself off the couch, leaving me to fall over. I stayed there, closing my eyes and taking a nap.

I entered the examination room the monitor in the corner next to the cot. I took a seat, a p.h.d was framed on the wall. I needed to get back to college. I needed to finish up on my degrees, and I thank god Tony never even went to the same college as I, I would never get sympathy from people at my school. They didn't like me, they didn't even know me. My thought were interrupted when a tall blond headed woman stalked in her hands in the pockets of her scrubs.

"Hi, I'm Emily and I'll be your new physician." she greeted with a small smile. I smiled back trying to be polite, and most likely failing.

"Your file said that you were eight weeks. Am I right?"


"Well let go ahead and get that ultrasound done." She said clasping her hands together. I leaned back lifting my shirt, once she spreads the gel, she tried finding the baby. Successfully I might add.
"At this stage in your pregnancy the baby is the size of a raspberry. He or she is just now growing finger , and developing tastebud. During the first trimester you might experience some fatigue, and he or she weighs around .04 ounces." She said cheerfully. I smiled basking in the excitement. Things had changed in the passed six weeks, and I was thankful. At one month I had actually went to a clinic for termination, but later back away when I realized, this child is the only thing that we have left of Tony. I realized that even though I couldn't make up for that parent, I could give it the love of two. "Now let's get you on the scale, yeah?" She said wiping of the gel.

I stepped on, standing as still as possible.

"Is that good?" I asked. I was nervous that's only 5.3 pounds in four weeks.
"It could be better, you are still under weight but you'll gain at least 60 more pounds with in seven more months." she said calmly. I nodded and step away.
Stuffing the ultrasound pictures in my glove box I drove to the nearest clothing outlet to fish for cheap bras. I had went up a cup size now needing atleast a low C. I parked the car and and walked in, finding the under garment section. I found the ugliest bras they had and took them to the cashier, a young platinum blond boy. Our hair was about the same length.
Awkward looks were traded before he scanned the items.

"I don't mean to be rude, but what happened with your hair?"
I looked at him with a blank stare. "I shaved it." I said simply. "And the ugly bras?" He asked abruptly.
"Dude your like seventeen so-"

"I'm twenty two thank you very much."

"Okay you're twenty two, and your a guy who shouldn't care how ugly these bras are. They'll get ruined anyway." I said coldly. I grabbed the bag and walked out
Ta Da...... AustinandLiamLover stop reading my books!! Jk jk but seriously....

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