Shattered glass and a broken heart

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Okay so I was thinking of him. He could play Tony but I'm not sure plz drop some suggestions. It would be great!
I took the frame in my hands. Looking at the photo before throwing it across my room. The glass broke with a loud crack noise. I stood up; picking up the rest of them slinging them every which way. Stomping on the stairs could be heard outside the door.
A very pissed Kendal appeared- well she was pissed at first then I think she was speechless. "What the fuck did you do to your hair??" She screamed. I turned around to face her. "Whatever the fuck I goddamn want to. I'm 20 fucking years old! If I want to shave my hair off I fucking will, Kendal! Go tell mom, Kendal; go call the fucking cops because I cut my fucking hair!" I screamed. The anger I felt for her was so much it left me speechless afterwards.

"No moms done with your pitiful ass! It's only me here now! Fucking look at yourself! He wouldn't have wanted this, Ember, and you know it!" She screamed right back.
" He's dead Kendal he fucking died I don't give a duck what he would want anymore, and how do you fucking know, Kendal? Huh, it's what I want right now and I donn't want my hair anymore! I don't want any of my pictures anymore! Leave me the fuck alone for christ sake!" I screamed, tears threatening to spill over my water line. She just stood there.

Her eyes squinted to where you could only see the pupil. "I'm not leaving you up here alone. Get some fucking clothes on we're going out." She said walking across the room to my window. I complied not knowing how much more of the screaming match I could take before I imploded on myself. I grabbed the first thing I saw which happened to be my graduation shirt and Tony's sweatpants. I slipped them on trying not to let the bottoms bother me. I grabbed my chuck Taylor's and headed for the door. I stopped when Kendal threw a coat over my shoulder. I quickly slipped it on and zipped it up.

We stopped outside of an unfamiliar building.

"Where in the hell are we?"

"You'll see come on!" She said run into the cold. I opened my door and stepped out, once I got to the entrance she opened the door and flicked on the lights. This was Tony's art studio, I had only been here once before. I wanted to give him his space to work. I walked over to the first canvas I saw. Me. The second. Me. They were all of me every single one. Walking over to the canvas sitting on the easel I picked it up. Tears streamed down my face as I took in its beauty. I looked to my sister who was crying just as much as I was.
"You knew about this?" I asked through tears. She shook her head eagerly a small forced smile appeared on her face. It was a painting of Tony and me. Our foreheads were pressed together. I had this same photograph in my bed room. He got accepted to college the day this was taken. The bottom read: "Marry me?" In white letters.

Okay so how did you guys like this chapter? Sorry it's so short!!





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