Chapter 6: Broken , Lonely Tears.

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A/N: Waleed will not have a POV in this chapter .... sorry. But Khola has alot to say!


I stay in my room I don't go out , I don't even need to go out of the room to go to the bathroom because I have one connected to my room.

Masooda comes in to leave my food and then she leaves. We don't exchange words. My family knows better than to come near me when I am like this.

I am scared that if I step out of my room, my heaven than he'll be waiting for me , waiting to take my life away again.

I am scared his gonna destroy me like once upon a time when he didn't hesitate.

And Husnaa's advice about forgiving him , went straight in the dustbin .

I have become so depressed so angry so sad that I don't pray , I haven't for the past three days that I have been in my room.

All I do Is stare at my roof, sometimes when I feel like it I go and sit on my window sill otherwise I do nothing but live in fear.

Fear of him.

Fear of the hurt that I can't got through.

Fear that my life will crumble Infront of me just like how it once did.

I fear that this time I may not have a choice in anything that's going to happen.

I fear that what is gonna happen next is gonna change my life for better or worse.

Fear is something that you can't escape unless you try to but it's not something that you can escape so easily.

Just as I am about to go back to sleep , there's a knock on the door and my eldest sister Haadiyah walks in.

She sits on my bed beside me and starts to talk to me .

"Khola this is nonsense , you can't lie in you bed the whole day and expect to have everything sorted out by Allah knows when"she says throwing her arms everywhere.

"You d-oo-nnttt unde-rr-sstand " I stutter as my eyes begin to burn .

"What Khola ? What don't I understand? " She says raising her voice abit.

"He h-uu-rr-tt m-e" I say as I begin to cry softly , I cup my face in my hands as I let each broken tear escape my eyes.

" Khola he did hurt you past tense but you hurting yourself by thinking of that . By not forgiving him you hurting yourself no one else is getting hurt except you and no one is hurting you except yourself " she says looking me straight in the eye.

"God why does everyone keep saying that , forgive him forgive him Khola forgive him " I scream as all the anger I have been keeping bottled up inside me comes spilling
out .

"Listen Khola and listen well you going to wash up and go downstairs and listen to what Ummi and Abba have to say and no you have no choice so do what I am telling you " she says looking at me sternly like how she looks at Omair her son when he doesn't listen.

I nod my head and go and wash up .
I put on my hijab because my hair is not in the best of conditions and Haadiyah's husband is here.

I walk downstairs and into the sitting room to see my parents sitting on the couches and talking amongst themselves.

My father looks up when he sees me .

"Khola , habibi " he says as he pats the space next to him indicating  me to go and sit next to him.

"Hayati listen we need to discuss something very important and I expect you to be very mature about it " My mum says as she looks at me with teary eyes.

" Ya ummi and Abba what is it" I ask anxious to see what this is all

"Habibi you have come age , age that is right for you to get married and move on , a proposal came from a family that we know very well " my father says looking at me with uncertainty in his eyes.

But I can't focus on anything except the fact that hey want me to get married , in the state I am.

"Who is it Abba " I ask scared of the answer .

"Look hayati if you don't want to go through with this marriage we won't force you but as your parents we feel this will help you so please listen to us and make the right decision " he says as he looks at me .

"But Abba , you did not answer my question , who is he " I ask .

My mother looks at me with tears streaming down her face.

"Habibi understand we only want what is best for you , we have no other intentions " my mother says as she sobs hysterically.

"You mother is right habibi we don't want to see you get hurt" my father says.

I don't understand why are they avoiding my question?

"Who is he?" I ask for the third time.

My father gives my mother a look I can't recognise and they turn to look at me .

"Hayati when we tell you who it is please stay calm" my father says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It is Waleed Muhmmad" my father says .

But I don't see anything nor do I hear anything after all that goes through my mind is how they want me to marry my enemy.

My heart breaker .

I don't understand how?


It can't be .

All I feel is the horrible tortuous feeling of betrayal .

My family stabbing me in the back!

My father who I thought was my hero, who I thought should save me from the monsters , now wants to hand me over to the monster .

How ?

"Khola!!!" I hear them calling me but I can't give them my attention because they turned their backs on me .

The family who I thought was always besides me was now on top of me holding me down , so that they can hand me over to the monster of my nightmares .

How could they even consider this how could they.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realised that I was now outside walking across the street until.

Until I was violently thrown back , my body hitting the ground as the whole world went black and the last words I heard were  the words of my family.


Hi /Assalamualykum

Incase you wondering this chapter took me two hours to write but I enjoyed it and I would do it in a heartbeat again since Hasad got 106 reads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....I honestly can't believe it so thank you for that and don't forget to comment and vote .... comment what you think is gonna happen to Khola ?

Get this chapter to 20 votes and I'll post chapter two tomorrow!!! I promise.

Anyways I loveeee u guys ...peace out ✌️

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