Chapter 10:Love has its ways.

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Waleeds POV.

Its been a long day. I was working so much today that all I want to do is go home and sleep.

The thought of Khola pops into my mind and I think back to how sad she gets when I don't talk to her.

But if I do treat her like my wife ,I feel as if I am taking advantage of her , more her memory loss than anything else.

I don't want to act as if everything is normal when nothing is normal.

She's lost her memory and can remember any day now.

I just don't want her to hate me more when she does remember , because that will hurt me more.

Being married to the women you love is the best thing in the world but it hurts like hell when you can't treat her like how she deserves to be treated all because of the fear that you taking advantage of someone who has no memory of your past mistakes.

My hurt is torn into two.

And if she hates me even more after she remembers I don't think I could heal.

Love has its ways and sometimes it can be bad and sometimes it can be good but its never both.

Because somehow you either end up happy or you end up with a broken heart.

I gather my work things and leave my office. I get to my car and drive home.

Hoping that today isn't the day she remembers my mistakes and her torn past.


Kholas POV.

I remember , I remember everything. Its as if a door with water has been opened and the water comes flooding out.

I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I felt a little light headed.
I sat down and then all of a sudden I wake up on the floor .

I can't believe this.

He didn't even take advantage of my memory loss.

He kept his distance.

He stayed away.

I can't imagine how much I might of hurt him.

Well he deserved it...screams the voice in my head

I brush it of and go to sit on the living room chair.

I wrap my arms around myself still trying to understand how I could of possibly made this happen?

I guess apart of me always loved him even if all the things he did hurt me deep.

But love has its ways.

I start crying , tears streak my face .Just as I am about to get up to grab a tissue the door opens and in walks Waleed.

He looks at me with a suprised expression with a lot of hope in his eyes but there's also a lot of sadness in his blue orbs and it hurts me more than I expect.

I walk to him and wrap my arms around him. His suprised and doesn't hug me back.

"Thanks for everything , for not taking advantage of my memory loss ...I remember everything" I wispher in his ear.

He unwraps my hands and looks at me with so much of love and sadness in his eyes.

"Khola I owed you that much after all the pain I caused you" he says with tears spilling from his eyes.

"I understand if you don't want this to continue" he says.

I take his hands and look into his eyes.

"Waleed answer me this, Do you love me?" I ask.

He looks at me and then gives his answer.

"Khola love is not even a word that explain how I feel for you. You are the sun to my rainy days and the moon to my darkness" he says.

I start to cry ,his words get me deep and it's then that I realise that no matter what happens I will always love Waleed.

"Waleed" I say looking into his eyes.

"I love you" I say and the look in his eyes are something I don't think I can ever forget.

He hugs me and I can't help but wrap my arms around him.

"You mean the world to me Khola " he says.

" And you Waleed ,you mean the universe to me" I say.

Hiiii/ Asalaamualykum!!!!!

I know I didn't update in forever but I finally got myself to and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because next comes the EPILOGUE!!! Yes Hasad is going to finish.

This book has been one heck of a ride and I wouldn't of finished it if it wasn't for you guys , so thank you so much!!!💕

Its a short book but I am happy that I could atleast finish one story.

I was thinking of a sequel ...a little short to but we'll see....

Also the Epilogue is not going to be long but it's something...

Anyways I hope you all staying safe!!!

Late Eid Mubarak to everyone also!!! Hope you guys enjoyed URLs Eid!!!🌠

Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to



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