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Waleeds POV.

It's been three years since Khola and I put our past behind and our futures ahead.

We were growing strong as a married couple.

Khola was now pregnant with our second child ,we had our eldest the year after we sorted everything out.

Yasser was now two years old and was my whole world. when we found out that Khola was pregnant we were over the moon .

Khola was strong and beautiful she held herself with such confidence and I couldn't be more proud.

We moved away from everyone because of my job but other than that everything was normal and good alhumdulliah.

We were happy and that's all that mattered and i would do anything to keep my family happy and safe because they were my everything.

They made me a better person everyday.
And I couldn't be more grateful.

I know that just as our family grows my love for Khola will only expand if that's even possible.

It was one journey but it was worth it.
Everyday I think about what I did.

And it was all because of Hasad(Jealousy) .

I hurt and bullied Khola just because I was jealous of her life the perfect family that I didn't have and so I attacked her it was stupid ,but I was stupid.

And now I am a different person and I would never hurt anyone again. I wouldn't even want my children to hurt anyone like that.

No matter colour or religion everyone deserves respect because at the end of the day we all bleed the same.

I just hope that one day I'll forgive myself for my past.

I've learnt from it and it's made me a better person and that I am grateful for.

I can't help but smile as I look as my beautiful wife hugs our son with such love it over whelms me . This is my life now,my family and I couldn't be more happier.

Takes a tissue and wipes her tears...
Ohhh finallllllllllyyyyyyyyy the book has ended this was definitely not the way I expected the book to end ,I know 11 chapters (horrible) but I lost inspiration however I did enjoy writing it. I can finally say that I finished a story!!!
There is however an idea I have coming soon so stay tuned,its not a new book but it's something anyways. Stay safe and strong.

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Peace out ✌️❤

Instagram:  @aaliyah_monga
                    @ aaliyah_writing

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