Magne Family

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"Guard?" You blinked. He told you that you're the new addition of the guard, which you presume to be a great deal. He nodded, a toothy smile spreading on his face. 

"Not many receive this position, and it hasn't happened in centuries. Anyway~!" He said all sing-song like. He took out a pair of keys and unlocked the cell door and swung it open. He motioned for you to come. You stepped out of the cell and looked around. Nothing looked much different.

"Why am I here?" You asked, turning around to face him. His smile never left and he shook his head, chuckling a bit.

"That's a question for another time, don't you think?" He said, walking towards the stairs. "Come and meet my family, the people you will be guarding for eternity." he waved his hand in the air and a cane appeared, with an apple on the top. 

Did he say eternity? You look at your hands again, a charcoal black and sharp claws. Did people normally have hands like this? When you looked at Lucifer, his hands looked normal, from what you can see.

You follow him out of the room and up a set of stairs. It was lit by some torches on the wall. The walk wasn't far, because before you knew it, you were in a grand hallway filled with various paintings and sculptures.

Lucifer waves at you to follow, so you did while looking at the sculptures lining the walkway. He chuckled.

"You're a curious one, aren't you?" He said, not bothering to look behind him. You nod to yourself. 

"This is a new place to me, so isn't it natural?" You questioned. He nodded once.

"I suppose." He walked up to a door and stood in front of it. "Are you ready to meet them my dear?" 

You nod, giving a confident smile. More confident than you actually felt. He smiles, opening the big ornate door. Inside looked to be a living room, a couch and recliner facing a fireplace and a coffee table accompanying the center. Two bookshelves were placed on the other side of the room, and small table with a chess board and pieces on it sits in front of one of the windows looking outside.

There were two others in the room, one was the little girl you saw earlier, and the other was a tall, busty woman in a dark purple dress, her platinum blonde hair seemed to be puddling around her feet gracefully. Her eyelashes looked like they could stab someone in the eye. She also had long dark magenta horns that were hugged by a black tiara-like piece.

The little girl walked to you happily. "Look mom! Daddy brought my new friend!" She smiles brightly. You couldn't help but smile back. The woman walks up and picks up the girl and smiles at you. Even though it was a sincere smile, it seemed to have a bit intimidation behind it.

"Sorry about my daughter, My name is Lilith, Lucifer's wife. Charlie here," Charlie waved at you. "Said she made a new friend."

You nod. "I suppose we are. It's nice to meet you Lilith, and Charlie. I'm (Y/n)." You bow slightly.

Lucifer walked up next to Lilith and placed his hands behind his back. "She's the latest addition to our guard." He looks up at Lilith. You notice that She's visibly taller than him. "She will need proper training, our last guard should help her with that. What do you think dear?"

She thought for a minute, her eyes glued to you. You felt slightly uncomfortable, and looked away. After awhile she spoke, "I think that's a good idea Luci. She'd make a great addition." She walked past you, still holding Charlie in her arms. "I'm going to put Charlotte to bed, I'll see you soon Hon~" She said and walked out of the room.

He sighed, looking at her. He cleared his throat. "Welcome to the Magne household (Y/n)." He patted your shoulder. "I better show you to your quarters then, follow me." He pushes you slightly out of the room and he proceeds to guide you through the corridors.

The place was bigger than you imagined, some servants passed you by when you were following Lucifer. Most of them looked human, but with some animal-like features. One of them had patches of red reptile skin and snake eyes. Another had some sort of animal tail and ears. These weren't normal people...

Lucifer suddenly stops you in front of a door. "This is where you'll be living from now on (Y/n). Tomorrow I'll have one of my guards come get you in the morning, do I make myself clear?" He looked at you, dead in the eyes. You nod. "Do you have any questions?"

You had a few questions, but you plan on asking them tomorrow. Though you needed to know where you were. "Yes, only one. Where are we exactly?" You asked.

He then laughed, it was hearty and it echoed in the corridor making it seem louder. "You're in hell my dear!" He patted your shoulder and began walking the opposite direction.

So you're in a world for sinners, and you are set to work as a guard. It could be worse you suppose. You open the door and inside, is a decent sized bedroom, it's not to small or large. It doesn't have much for decor either. A simple twin sized bed lied in the corner and a small nightstand next to it. There was a window, overlooking hell and a small mirror by the door.

You look in the mirror to see how you look. You had (F/c) horns and (H/l) , (H/c) hair. Your scleras are pitch black and your irises were (E/c) and your pupils were a darker (E/c). You also had ashy grey skin. Your clothes looked a bit messy, with dirt mostly. You had nothing to wear though, maybe tomorrow you can get some new clothes.

You walk to your bed and lay down, more tired than you realized. Waking up in an unknown room and place, meeting new people, got you worn out. Hopefully tomorrow will be well. You fall asleep after a few minutes.

Royal Guard (Lucifer x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now