Chapter 21: The Plan

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Rosa's PoV

I don't like the idea at all but we are splitting up. Some of us are going to find the kids and wives while the others are staying undercover here. I'm going with Farrow and Quintrine while Nightbreeze, Ailmar, and Nava are staying here. I didn't think we would split up this soon. But we have to go find the kids and wives. It's the only way to help win the war. We left early in the morning and once we were far enough away from camp we took our armor off. We don't have Nava's magic bag so we are having to use our own bags now. Quintrine asks "How can we find them?"

Farrow says "With the map Hawkfire gave to us. Although I'm not sure how to read it. It's in Qualinesti writing."

I tell Farrow "Let me see it."

He hands me the map and I look at it. I know some Qualinesti but It's not my main Elven language so it's hard to make it all out. But if he did it in Common then everyone could read it and we don't need the Highlord Army to know that we know. I figure out where the map starts. At least I hope I'm right. I'm about to start walking when Ailmar comes. He has his bag and he's ready to go. I ask him, "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Nightbreeze and Nava."

He says "Hawkfire told me the map was written in Qualinesti. I can read it better than any of you can."

Farrow asks him "Is Nava and Nightbreeze ok with you leaving?"

Ailmar sighs and says "Nightbreeze wants me to go. Nava wants me to stay. Hawkfire said it's better for me as Qualinesti Speaker to stay as far away from the Highlord Army as I can. And that we wrote the map in Qualinesti. Nava said Rosa could probably figure it out on her own but I still agreed to leave." 

Quintrine asks "Why would you leave Nightbreeze? You two are finally getting along. Having a relationship? Something."

I glare at Quintrine because I know it's hard on Ailmar to leave and it's probably hard for him to talk about. Ailmar tells us "I left because Nightbreeze wanted me to leave. She's pretending to be the Goddess of Evil. If someone figures out she's faking then they will kill her. And she doesn't want me to be around the army. Let's get moving before we waste any more time."

I hand Ailmar the map and after he looks at it he starts walking and we follow him. 

We've been walking for a couple hours when we take a break to eat. Quintrine motions us to be quiet and pulls out her sword. How did she get so mature so fast? We all pull out our swords right when a group of Draconians rush towards us. We all quickly start fighting them. Our weapons hit each other. You can hear the sound of metal hitting metal. 

Suddenly some more Draconians drop out from above us. One is falling right at me. It's coming down too fast for me to react. I try moving out of the way when I'm quickly shoved away and fall to the ground. I look over to see Farrow badly bleeding. No. Please no. He can't be dead. I quickly grab my sword off the ground, get up, and start fighting. I make my way over to him. Quintrine went up into the tree to start firing arrows and the Draconians are quickly starting to retreat. Ailmar covers me with his sword even though he's not that good at it. I start looking at Farrows wounds and it doesn't look good. Why did he have to save me? I can't lose him. Ailmar and Quintrine come over when all the Draconians are gone. Ailmar says "I shouldn't be saying this but...I know a place where there are Qualinesti Elves. They can save him."

I ask him, "Where?"

"A mile or two from here. I'm assuming they are still there even with the Highlord army being nearby."

"Then go get them!"

"It's not that easy. And it's safer to stick together with Draconians being nearby."

Quintrine says "We should've kept our armor on."

I tell her "It's too late to change that now."

I take Farrows sword and put it in his belt. I tell Quintrine "Cover us. We'll carry him."

I put my weapon away and Ailmar follows. We both carefully lift Farrow up and start slowly walking. Quintrine keeps her bow ready in case we get attacked.

It's dark by the time we get close to where the Qualinesti Elves should be. Suddenly we are completely surrounded by Elves wearing light armor and arrows aimed at us. Their leader asks "Who goes there?"

Ailmar answers in Qualinesti and they quickly lower their bows. The Elf leader asks "What are you doing out here Speaker? You should be back in Qualinesti."

Ailmar says "I'm out here seeing what it's like for everyone. I can't stay sheltered from the war all the time. It's not fair for my people when they have to deal with the war while I'm safe in the palace."

"Why are you here? With them. This place is supposed to be secret."

"One of my friends is badly injured. He needs a healer."

Two of the Elves disappear and come back with a makeshift stretcher. More Elves come over and gently take Farrow away from us and lay him on the stretcher. Then they lift it up and walk away. The Elf leader says "Follow me."

We follow him and start walking the same direction they took Farrow. The rest of the Elves disappear into their hiding places. I want to go to Farrow but I don't think the leader will let me. Please let Farrow survive this. I can't lose him. 

*Picture at the top of the chapter is Farrow*

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