Chapter 31: Injures

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Nava's PoV

After Rosa tells me what happened to them I tell them how it's been hard for us here. They all seem worried when I tell them what's been happening with Nightbreeze. We keep trying to stop the bleeding and control her fever but it's not working. She does wake up again but it's because of the pain. She's also hallucinating so what she's saying doesn't make sense. We keep having to cover her mouth so the army doesn't hear her. Ailmar did try casting healing magic on her but it's not working. A voice outside the tent asks "Evil Queen, are you there?"

Hawkfire says "She isn't."

"Where is she?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know where she goes all the time."

"Then why are you in her tent?"

I tell him "He was helping me real quick."

Hawkfire says "I'm coming out in a minute. I'll help you search for her."

Hawkfire stands then quickly gets out of the tent, making sure no ones sees inside it. Rosa asks "What do we do now?"

I tell her, "We need to get you all changed back to normal somehow."

"What about your enchanted weapons? They could help."

"I don't know. I don't know how to use them."

Nightbreeze is finally fully awake and she pushes our hands off her mouth. She's in a lot of pain but she's trying not to cry out. She looks around and asks "Why..are...they.."

She's gritting her teeth together so she doesn't cry out. I tell her "The Wizard did that to help them but he never came back to fix it."

We hear voices outside all searching for the Evil Queen. Nightbreeze says " go.."

"No you don't. You're badly bleeding and you can't hide how much pain you're in."

"'t stop looking...until they...see me…"

I ask her "How are you going to hide your injury?"

She says "With..everyone' can sneak...out..they won't...know."

She sits up and her face is filled with pain. I'm about to push her back onto the bed when Hawkfire quickly comes back in. He says "We need Nightbreeze. If she doesn't show herself they will start looking in every tent."

Nightbreeze looks at me and I can see the pain on her face but I know she's right. We can sneak out if we do it together. I help her slowly stand up and put another shirt on her bloody shirt. Then I washed all the blood off her before we walk to the tent door. Rosa and the others surround her even though they are really tiny. After Nightbreeze makes her face look emotionless we walk outside the tent. The whole army stops walking around and silently looks over to her. She asks "What? You can't run an army with me being gone for a little while?"

The second in command walks over and says "Sorry Queen. We weren't sure what was going on. You've been gone for a couple hours."

"I've been gone longer than that before! I'm not your mother! You can work with or without me here! Now get back to work before you regret it!"

The army all starts quickly moving around again and all the noise around us starts up again. We all head towards the woods and Hawkfire follows. When we get to the end of the woods he says "I can't go with you all. It would blow my cover but good luck. I will keep the men's hopes of getting out going. Here's your stuff."

He hands me the enchanted bag that has all of me and Nightbreeze’s stuff in it. We thank him then quickly keep walking. We get past the Knights on patrol and make it to the nearby clearing where the Griffins are. I'm helping Nightbreeze and she's in a lot of pain. She keeps crying out from the pain. I'm really worried about her because this is the worst I have ever seen her. I wrap more bandages around her bleeding stomach before helping her get strapped onto the Griffin. 

Farrow tells me "The two of you can ride together on the Griffin."

I ask "Are you sure?"

"They can take carrying a lot of weight. Especially for short distances. I don't think we have to go too far to find a Healer."

I quickly strap myself onto the Griffin with Nightbreeze and the enchanted bag too. After we are all ready we take off into the sky and fly away. We land when it's getting dark outside at an empty clearing. I help Nightbreeze off the Griffin and help her lay down. She's in a lot of pain and very feverish. She's lost so much blood too. Rosa and Farrow go out to hunt while Quintrine and Ailmar make a small fire. Making a fire is risky but we don't have a choice. It's getting colder outside every day and we can't survive on fruits and plants forever. 

*Picture at the top of the chapter is the small campfire they make*

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