Chapter 52: One Month Later

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Farrow's PoV

It's been a month since Nightbreeze finally decided to be the leader for the Kagonesti. We have been traveling for a long time. Our group keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm in charge of the Silvanesti soldiers that are with us. Nightbreeze is in charge of the Kagonesti especially because not all of them can speak other languages. Rosa is in charge of the Qualinesti that came with us. Nava is in charge of the other races that have joined us which are Humans, Dwarves, Kender, and surprisingly some Gnomes too. And Nava put Quintrine in charge of keeping everyone happy. Which is very hard to do for the Dwarves unless you keep the Kender away from them. Which is actually very easy because Quintrine and Kender all love talking and telling each other stories. It's surprising how we all decently get along with each other.

We all finally get to the mountain that Nightbreeze said and it looks like a normal mountain but there are Evil Dragons flying all around it. And in the distance we can see a huge black mob. It's there army. Now we have to come up with a plan to stop them. We gather together our group and a person from each race in a meeting. The Dwarf says "We can dig into the ground and make our way to the mountain."

The Kender says "We could just walk right up to them! They would be surprised to see us!"

The Human says "Those are both stupid ideas. The first one would take too long. The second get us all caught or killed. I suggest we fight them. Or cause a diversion to get some people around and inside."

Nava says "That could work but we don't know how big their army is."

Nightbreeze says "Some of the Kagonesti are figuring that out right now."

A Kagonesti child walks up to us. He's only wearing shorts. He doesn't have a shirt or shoes on. He says in decent Common "There are many people. There are over ten thousand on the ground. There are more leading to and in the mountain. We got inside."

Nightbreeze asks "Aren't you afraid of getting caught?"

The boy smiles and says "We like danger. And we are small. Hard to catch us."

We continue the meeting and an hour later an older Kagonesti says that a kid came back saying there's over fifteen thousand inside. The kid is the only survivor of a group of ten that went inside. After telling us the Kagonesti had left and Nightbreeze got up and left too. Shortly after that we hear singing. Quintrine says "They are singing to the children who sacrificed their lives to save everyone else."

After they finished singing Nightbreeze comes back over and she has face paint on. She says, "Some of us can sneak in while the others cause a diversion. I'll sneak in. Who else wants to come?"

Nava says "I'll go."

Rosa says "I'll go too. I'm not missing out on the action inside."

I tell them "If Rosa is going then I am going."

Quintrine says "I'll go! This will be so much fun!"

People continue to volunteer and we create our separate groups of whose sneaking in, who's causing the diversion, and who's staying at camp. We come up with our plan then early the next morning we wake up. The diversion group made mostly of Kender leaves camp, makes a lot of noise, then starts running. We can see a huge group of black running after them. Our group that's sneaking in quickly takes our chance and heads to the entrance. We start fighting the few soldiers still here and after hiding their bodies we get inside. We follow the Kagonesti kid and we hide in an empty room. When the soldiers walk past the room we follow the kid to another empty room. We keep repeating this until we make it close to the room the Wizards are all working in. We can see its heavily guarded. One of the Humans with us says "The only way any of us can get there is by causing a diversion. I volunteer to be part of the diversion."

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