Chapter 5: The Dream

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Nightbreeze's PoV

After we get back to the Griffons we set up camp for the night. We all need our rest before riding Griffons all the way to Mount Nevermind. I fall asleep very fast because I'm not on first watch and I'm exhausted. I'm unconscious but I see Dak, Eleathen, Thallan, and my friend I killed in Silvanesti. They are all in pain and screaming my name. What's going on? They are supposed to be dead. How are they in pain? They suddenly disappear and it's just me and Dak. He's holding my hands and his eyes are pleading. He tells me “Be careful where the Gnomes are. There's trouble there.”

He's saying something else but I can't hear him. I wake up and it's still late. I can't get what he was saying out of my head. What just happened? Nava is on watch and she looks over at me to see me sitting up. She asks “Are you ok?”

“I'm not sure.”

I get up and start walking around. I'm trying to figure out what I just saw. I tell Nava “I'll be back in a little while.”

I leave camp and start running. When I run it helps me think. I'm not sure how far away I get from camp but I stop running and I start climbing a nearby tree. I get up high in the tree and I dangerously jump from one to tree to the next. I end up missing a step and start falling towards the ground so I reach my arms out and quickly grab a branch. I stop falling and I swing back and forth until I pick up enough speed to throw myself forward and land on another branch. I climb up the tree and go to the very top. I sit on a top branch and start thinking about my dream. Dak told me to be careful. Did he mean when we get to Mount Nevermind? Or did he mean when we find the Gnomes? My Elf senses are telling me someone is nearby. I climb down the tree a little ways and see a group of Ogres. They have some kids. It's a group of ten kids with four Ogres. I know exactly what the Ogres are going to do to those kids. I reach for my weapons then I realize I don't have any. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. I snap a couple branches off the tree and I can tell the Ogres heard it. They stop moving and one of them asks “What that?”

Another says “Me not know. Birdie?”

I use there moment of confusion to throw some of the branches at them and quickly climb down. I am a couple feet above them and they are too surprised by the branches to notice me. I jump onto the closest Ogre and start trying to choke it. By then the other Ogres notice me and the kids start running. The other Ogres go after me. I manage to jump up and grab a branch while the other Ogres all hit the Ogre I was on and manage to kill it. That angers and confuses them. I start jumping around and grabbing different branches, hoping to confuse them or get them to kill each other. They manage to kill another one of them before they stop swinging there clubs madly around. The two remaining Ogres start trying to grab me from the branches I keep swinging around on. I manage to jump down to the ground and roll underneath an Ogre before it manages to grab me off the branch. I quickly roll and get up, while also grabbing a dropped club. It's really heavy so I smash it against a nearby tree and part of it breaks off. I use the broken club by throwing it directly at the Ogre that's heading straight at me. The club impales its chest and it falls to the ground. But it's not dead yet. I find a vine and quickly pull it off the tree and run over to the last standing Ogre. I throw myself into the air and right at the Ogre. I wrap the vine around its neck and start choking it. He drops the club and starts trying to reach me very unsuccessfully. He drops to the ground unconscious so I let go of the vine and pull the club out of the other Ogres chest. I stab the Ogre a couple times to make sure its dead before doing the same to the other Ogre. I leave the club impaled in the Ogres chest and breathe a sigh of relief. I'm covered in Ogre blood, my sweat, and some of my blood. I took off my boots before going to sleep and I woke up to go for a run without putting them back on. My feet are bloody and my hands are bloody from grabbing at different branches and climbing the trees. I also have some other minor cuts on my arms and legs from the couple times the Ogres managed to hit me a little and almost knock me off from swinging around them. I ask the ten kids when they come over to me “Are you ok?”

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