The Beginning of A Disaster

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Chapter 3


I walked into my room and thought as to what I could do to make Angel feel better.

Well, he seemed lonely... and didn't plan on a date for the dance. So maybe something to ease the loneliness...

That's when it hit me. A secret admirer. Someone attracted to Angel's personality would genuinely lift his spirits! I began working on the project until I heard Angel's bedroom door open. I looked out of my room door to see him look exceptionally... different? He looked like himself but it was clear to me something was off. He was listening to music again. He saw me, smiled, and waved sweetly to me with both his left arms. I felt embarrassed that I was staring at him and blushed. I waved back and got back to work on the task at hand.


I felt sick as hell. I felt so unhappy that my body puked everything I ate. It felt nice in a weird way. I had gotten on my corset too and I just felt beautiful in a weird way. I saw Al look at me curiously. I couldn't help but flush pink and wave to him as he waved back. I walked to the kitchen to see Charlie and Vaggie. I waved.

"Hey, Charlie... sorry about earlier I was just emotional today." She smiled and hugged me close.

"It's ok Angel! Are ya hungry?" I was really hungry, but I wanted to keep feeling beautiful so I refused. I went to the bar and grabbed a beer as I walked around the hotel listening to Strawberry Shortcake by Melanie Martinez. It felt relatable. Like I was just a sex object, but is it all my fault?... What else do I know how to do to make enough money? I sighed and switched the song to The Principal. I walked to my room and saw a small red package wrapped with a pink bow. I blushed and picked up the package and its letter.

Dearest Angel,

I know you probably don't know me, but I felt I should at least bother to say hello? I've taken a fancy to you for a long time. You are more beautiful beyond compare to anything in hell, and when you smile... it makes me so happy. I wish I had the confidence to meet you face to face, but I think our meeting should prolong longer. I hope you enjoy the playlist enclosed. It seemed to fit your current mood.


Your Dearest Admirer

My cheeks flushed red as I opened the package and there were 12 songs on it.

Orange Juice -Melanie Martinez

Betty Boop - Charlie Puth

Tangled Up - Caro Emerald

Almost Lovers - Scarlett

The Good Life - Three Days Grace

No One Would Listen - Andrew Lloyd Webber

Evermore - Beauty And The Beast

For The Damaged Coda - Blonde Redhead

Piggyback - Melanie Martinez

St. James Infirmary Blues - Cab Calloway

 Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber

Secret - Mary Lambert

All these sobs were some of my favorites. I smiled and popped it into my Walkman and listened to The Good Life. I immediately got into the song's rough nature and got into my room, closing the door. The rough guitar vibes and emotional strength were just how I felt. I began to just melt into the music. I jammed out and moved my body to the music until a large pain hit my stomach from hunger and the corset. I sighed and put on the Damaged Coda, and walked out the room smiling and reading over the neat cursive written letter. It smelled of faint Cologne that smelled of roses and sunflowers. I was so caught in the daydream that I bumped into Alastor. He whipped his head around

"Angel! What has you so distracted?" He smiled. I blushed at his smile and wished he was my admirer, but he hated me. I smiled at him.

"I got a secret admirer, who isn't a pervert and likes me for me! He is so sweet! He made me a whole new playlist. I think he likes me..." Alastor chuckled and I awaited the joke when I felt Al pet my head again making me blush.

"Good for you Angel!" He left me there and I smiled and ran to tell Charlie when I felt the corset hinder my breathing a bit so I forced myself to walk.


Once Angel rounded the corner. I felt my cheeks flush as I smiled at his adorable smile.

*3 hours later*

I saw Angel walking downstairs and he seemed out of breathing. I was a bit worried and ran to him as he collapsed and I caught him.

"Charlie! Call the Doctor!" I yelled to her.

She looked at me confused.

"CALL THE DAMN DOCTOR CHARLIE!" I growled to her. She yelped and ran. Angel was having problems breathing so I pulled up his shirt to find a corset. I panicked a bit and got the laces off as fast as I could.

"CHARLIE WHERE IS THAT DAMN DOCTOR?!" Vaggie was about to yell at me when she saw Angel.

"HURRY UP CHARLIE!" Charlie was crying from the stress, but that wasn't my concern. My concern was the darling Angel in my arms.

"It's ok Angel darling. You'll be ok." My fingers went through his hair and he just struggled to breathe. A Doctor ran in and checked his vitals.

"He is alright. The corset was blocking his breathing and he hasn't seemed to have eaten anything. Not an eating disorder but it could be the start of one. Keep a close eye on him." I nodded and Charlie thanked him.

"At least it wasn't an overdose..." She went to help take him to his room but I picked him up and went to my room with him. I laid him in my bed and held him close to me.

"You're safe with me Angel." He snuggled close to me in his sleep, and I eventually took him back to his room and fed Fat Nuggets. I sat on a chair in the room and fell asleep as I watched over Angel.

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