Opened Doors

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I woke up to a lot of pain and I whimpered. I heard someone walk over to me. I opened my eyes a bit to see Al. He was in a dress shirt and dress pants and looked tired and disheveled. 

"Angel dear what do you need?" I was in so much pain, but his sincere eyes and light smile made me feel safe.

"Pain killers, please?... And a pillow?" It hurt to speak a bit. Al asked Charlie for meds. He picked me up and I whimpered and took me to my room. He laid me down in a lot of plush heart-shaped pillows I never saw before. They were so plush and I smiled a bit. Fat Nuggets jumped in next to me and I smiled.  Charlie brought in my meds and I took them.

Al came in with a thick red comforter and I smiled as he covered me. "Thank you, Al." I was warm and felt safe. Alastor smiled and sat on the bed. "Hey, Alastor... can you lay with me?... You don't have to I just... feel lonely... I'm sorry I asked." I turned away but he got next to me and held me close. I blushed red and snuggled into his warm strong chest.

"Al can you just stay with me? Please?" Al smiled and pulled me closer.

"Of course my dear." He said sweetly as he stroked my hair. I was sure this was a dream, and I just felt so safe here. I felt tired and weak.


I waited till Angel fell asleep and left. I looked back at him. He looked so lonely in bed, and I felt bad leaving him. I went to the bar where I saw Husk on his phone.

"Yo Alastor. You gotta see this." I walked over and on Husk's phone was the video of me being assaulted, but then out of the blue Angel jumps in. I could hear his wheezing and how tired he was. Eventually, he toppled over and said 1 last thing before he was knocked out.

"Al ... I love you..." I was shocked and Husk seemed to notice.

"Dude... he could have died trying to help you." I put a hand up to silence him. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Why would Angel nearly die to save me, then say... he love me? Was he on drugs? Insane? Lonely? I sighed and took Husk's phone with me. I went to my room and finished writing Angel's letter and put it by his door. I watched the video again as Angel had an asthma attack. I sighed. I felt horrible that Angel suffered like that. The wheezing haunted me. It was horrible to watch. I felt devastated that I let that figure harm Angel. I for once sat in my own self-loathing and hated myself for not helping him even though I know I wasn't well.


I woke up and felt better. I went to my door to leave my room and found a letter from my admirer.

Dearest Angel,

My darling I heard of the harm you have come to and I hope you are well. You are so sweet to put your friend's well-being first, but... you seem different.

Are you eating well? I know you enjoy wearing your corset but it isn't good for you. I worry about your health daily... every day you see more and more... sad. It devastates me, my love.


Your Dearest Admirer

I took his words to heart, but I couldn't stop starving myself. I'm nothing but a slut without my corset! I look so ugly and disgusting... I ran back into my room and slipped on a snug corset. I felt pretty again pushed away my tears. I went downstairs and saw Charlie.

"Angel! You need to eat-" I immediately turned away and ran upstairs to the nearest door and slammed it shut. I cried and fell to my knees crying helplessly and curled into a ball of sadness. I felt so emotionally lost, to be honest. I wanted to get better. I wanted to eat normally again and love myself, but it was hell. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up quickly to see Alastor. I panicked and wiped my tears.

"S-sorry I just kinda ran in." I got up.

"It's alright Angel." I ran out feeling ashamed of myself as I bumped into Charlie. She took me by my arm as I kept crying and I tried to tug away, but I was too tired. I was hyperventilating, again. I began coughing and looked for my inhaler, I tugged away from Charlie and ran upstairs to look for my inhaler when I bumped into Alastor, he handed it to me and I used it. I just fell into his arms and just couldn't stop sobbing. Charlie tried to drag me off to another therapy session, but Alastor told her to leave. I just felt so lost mentally lost, until music filled my ears. Alastor was singing. I just stood there quietly calming down little by little. It was a song I did not recognize the language of, but it was peaceful. I felt calmer and better. The pain in my stomach was silenced, and the whining of my ribs halted as I stood there.

"Angel, you are ok now. Let's get you to your room and calm down." I nodded and went to my room. He waved and left. I sat and snuggled with Fat Nuggets and felt at peace again.

I then heard Alastor singing, right outside my door. I smiled sweetly and just listened as he sang. He sounded lovely. I felt my anxieties calm slowly until I heard Charlie ask to talk to Alastor. She silenced the sweet music and I couldn't help but be jealous. I walked out after them quietly.

"Alastor, do you think Angel is... suffering from an eating disorder? He seems thinner and doesn't eat like he normally does." Charlie seemed worried about me I guess. "If he keeps it up like this... it'll soon be more noticeable and the Hotel could get hit harder in the media." That sentence made me sick... she cared more about the Hotel's reputation than my well-being. I got upset and ran down the stairs to them.

"I am not suffering from an eating disorder and Charlie go fuck yourself for even bringing it up to Al instead of me and trying to get me help! On top of that screw this damn Hotel if it means more than our friendship and my wellbeing!" I yelled and cried. I stormed to my room and slammed the door as I cried. I was angry Charlie brought it up to Alastor. I had... a problem, but it was none of Al's business. I just cried in my bed and felt like shit until I couldn't breathe and used my inhaler. I heard Alastor's faint singing coming from his room, and it lulled me to sleep, in my corset.

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