💖Love, Not Lust💖

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My phone's alarm went off and I looked to the name of it and saw it was a meeting I had farther away. I got up and immediately got ready. I took care of myself and got on a black suit, but then I looked at Angel in my bed. I didn't want to leave him here all alone with no explanation. I shook him awake a bit.

¨Morning Al.¨ He kissed me sweetly, and that sweet moment made me want to stay and hug him for the rest of my life. Alas, I had other matters that needed to be attended to. I sadly broke the kiss.

¨Angel, I know yesterday you had a lot on your shoulders, but I need your help since I will be in a very important meeting on the other side of the Pentagram. It could benefit the hotel and I need you to have my back. Can you help me?... ¨ Angel looked surprised and nodded. I smiled and kissed him again with all the love and appreciation I had for him.

¨Al, just be careful out there sweetie. I love you so much.¨ I smiled and kissed him again with all the love I had for my darling.

¨Angel if you need me just call me and I'll be right by your side.¨ I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

¨I will Al. I love you, babe.¨ I smiled at Angel


¨I love you most darling.¨ Then he teleported away. I missed him the minute his everlasting smile went away. I got up and walked to my bedroom. I got on my black pencil skirt, a black blazer, and a white dress shirt. I went downstairs to see Charlie with lots of work in her arms.

¨Angel! Have you seen Al!? I got a lot of paperwork for him.¨

¨Uh no Charlie, he has a meeting today on the other side of the Pentagram. I'll handle his work for him until he gets back." Charlie smiled up at me and handed me the large stack of papers. I sat at the lobby desk and used my bottom arms to get to work. With my top set, I checked in guests and signed people into the directory. It was hard to focus on both tasks so early in the morning. I was just trying to pull through for Al. I didn't need him disappointed in me. When he got back I wanted to go on a date, but work had to be done first and was a major priority. I kept working swiftly, checking over my work, when Al texted me.

Strawberry: Hello Darling! I miss you dearly already. I hope you aren't too overworked. I love you so much. Thank you for taking on my workload. 

Me: I miss you a lot Al! The work ain't too much babe. It's no problem for me.

Vaggie then glared at me from across the room. Normally we don't text during work hours, but I missed Al a lot. I kept working and put my phone away. Then during the afternoon Vaggie and Charlie gave me all their reports to type up! I only had 1 typewriter so I had to beg Husk to let me use his laptop. Between my 3 sets of arms, I had 3 workloads going! I had Charlie's reports being down with my top set on Husk's laptop, Vaggie's reports on my 2nd set on the work computer in the lobby, and Alastor's work on the typewriter on my 3rd set of arms. I was multitasking like crazy. My arms went from typing to writing by hand to checking people in! It was insane! Was this Al's normal workday!? I felt overwhelmed since I didn't have the time to start up my interviews! Charlie could fire me because of it! I began crying as I worked, but I kept typing as fast as I could type. I tried so hard, but the workload was never done! It felt like I was drowning as I kept typing. The worst part is that the front desk is tall because Al works standing up and I can't stand it in these heels of mine! I had to go to the bathroom, but that wouldn't get work done! I kept going, trying to get it all done as fast as I could! I didn't want Al disappointed in me!? I was realizing I needed to wait on these things so I could get my interviews started. I lugged my shit upstairs and began running around the Hotel interviewing clients and was very impatient when they wouldn't answer a question quickly. I ran as fast as I could to my room and got to work writing Vaggie, Charlie, and Al's reports. My phone went off and I threw the annoying ass thing across the room. Fat Nuggets began bothering me as I worked.

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