💔Keep My Distance💔

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(A/N: Hello my lovelies. I spent a good couple of hours working on this. I hope you'll like it. This chapter marks the start of the countdown till the Valentine's Day Dance in the story. I wanted to get this chapter out super fast to say thank you for 543 reads! This is a dream come true! Please enjoy the content!)


February 8th

I was making lunch for the day and I made Angel's favorite meal that I had ever made here. It was my famous venison chili. Of course, I hunt my venison the other day so this was going to be delicious. It was in the crockpot ready to eat when I hear Angel walking down the stairs talking to Richard. They were giggling and that's when Angel saw me and smelled the food.

¨Al is that my favorite!?¨ He squealed. I nodded serving him the first bowl.

¨Just the way you like it darling, ¨ I said. He smiled and hugged me. He turned to Richard and smiled.

¨Rich ya gotta try this! It's amazing!¨Richard looked uncomfortable as Angel ate the venison. I smiled at Richard as I ate my bowl.

¨Well... I'm not a venison person. I like escargot.¨ Angel rolled his eyes grossed out. He continued to eat as Richard awkwardly left the kitchen. 

¨Al can I have another bowl please?¨I smiled.

¨Of course Angel, my dear.¨I made him another bowl. He smiled and ate. More.

¨This is the best Al oh my goodness. Did ya hunt this the other day?¨I nodded and Angel just smiled as he ate. ¨Only the best and freshest for you darling.¨ Angel blushed red and looked away.

¨Thanks for thinking about me Al.¨He finished his food.

¨Make some more for dinner!¨ He ran off to Richard who looked at me angrily as I took care of Angel's plate. I smiled in his direction malice laced in all my actions. He turned away angrily, he pulled Angel close by the waist. Angel flushed and giggled as they walked out the door. I wanted to run after him and tell him everything... but timing is everything. I went and cleaned dishes as I hoped they didn't fall further in love.


We walked down the streets to a little shop. Rich said I could buy any clothes I want. I bought dresses and suits and he paid for them all. Rich through in a skimpy short black skirt and a black tube top. I didn't like it, but it was fine I guess. He was paying after all. He asked me to change into skimpy clothes. It was uh... tight and revealing. Normally I liked to be comfortable off the job since I quit my job, I prefer fuzzy sweaters. People kept catcalling me and Richard did nothing to stop them. I just pretended he didn't hear it. I hated all the eyes on me. As we headed back to the hotel I felt like bugs were crawling on my skin as people looked at me. We walked inside. Alastor looked at me and I saw confusion and worry in his eyes. The air conditioning was on and I was shivering. Richard and I sat on the couch to talk when he started smoking. I immediately started coughing and went running to Alastor for my inhaler, but he sat me back down.

¨Stop overreacting. It's just some smoke. Won't kill you.¨ I tried to explain my condition, but he wouldn't listen as I wheezed heavily. I tried to get up and fell to the floor wheezing heavily. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Richard looked panicked. 

¨Al... ¨ I couldn't breathe, but I used the last bit of energy I had to call him again. ¨AL!¨ I couldn't speak as my body fought for air. 


I saw Angel walk in looking... so different and uncomfortable. He was dressed so revealed and he seemed to not like it. He smiled at me and I saw him shiver from the AC, it was warm in hell, but Angel always got cold the easiest out of everyone. I went back to the kitchen, trying to ignore the couple. I tried to focus on Angel's dinner. I smelled smoke assuming it was something I was cooking until I heard Angel's wheezing. I restrained myself and waited for him to come to me. He never did... then the wheezing got louder. I tried to restrain myself until I heard a faint call for my name. I couldn't stop anymore and ran to him. I gave him his inhaler, and he inhaled a couple of times. He was still shivering so I gave him my tailcoat. He clung to me breathing heavily trying to calm down. I looked at Richard.

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