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(A/N: This is a bit short but I had to think about how Angel and Alastor could connect without sex. Hope you'll enjoy it)


I woke up to Angel snuggling up to me. I hugged him close letting him continue to sleep. The other night I when taking him to his old room, I realized how loud his neighbors were. Poor thing never slept at all. His room was one of the soundproof ones. Charlie preferred it since Vaggie and Husk have insomnia. Angel looked like he wasn't waking up early at all. I put a pillow in my place and left the room. I had a lot of work ahead of me, but I knew that Angel would supplement anything I missed. He did my reports so thoroughly and it helped me focus.

*Angel - Timeskip After He Woke Up*

All-day I was running around the hotel. Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk all slept in so it left Nifty, Alastor, and I spiral. I kept getting people interviewed and wrote my reports. Then Alastor would bring me in the list of new guests and I had to add them into Charlie's client book. Then I had to help Nifty make dinner! Then Alastor and I were running to get supplies Charlie forgot to get on the last run to the store or whatever! I was in the lobby checking people in with one set of arms and writing reports with another set of arms since I let Alastor sleep a bit. I felt like I was gonna have an anxiety attack because my top set of arms couldn't keep up with the people coming in. I then sprung out my third set to write all the names into our directory. Eventually, guests dwindled, but I had to lug my typewriter into the elevator and start writing my reports for long-term guests. Eventually, though my room door opened. I assume it was Al, so I just continued working.

¨Hey babe. Sorry I got a lot of work to do!¨ I kept working until I felt Al slip his hand up my shirt. I froze a bit, enjoying the sensation, but this wasn't like my Alastor. I moved the hand away and saw... this wasn't Al's hand. I turned to see one of our guests s and I screamed. They tried to silence me, but I kept fighting as they tried to pin me. I kept screaming for Al, but these walls were soundproof. I was scared. I wanted Al here. I wanted him to hold me. The tears spilled down my cheeks as my body kept fighting this man away. The feelings of fear kept coming in until the door opened and I locked eyes with him as I kept trying to fight.


I had bought Angel some Asters on my break since he was a doll and let me nap earlier. I walked to his room and heard strange noises. I opened the door with my keycard to Angel's whimpers and cries for me. I saw a demon trying to have its way with him as he fought them hard. I dropped the flowers and ran in, snapping his neck from behind. Angel nearly screamed and just covered his eyes in fear. I held him close to me, giving him his inhaler so he could calm down and breathe. The poor thing shook like a leaf in my arms. I picked him up and walked to my room, laying him in my bed. Angel had some bruises and cuts from the man. I undressed his top half and I noticed other scars on his back. I didn't ask because now was not the time. I bandaged the areas that needed it, but I realized how tense and anxious Angel was. He laid in bed on his stomach, clearly tired from a long day. I got next to him and began rubbing his shoulders. At first, Angel went to look at me, but he just laid down and closed his eyes sighing in relief. "Thanks, Alastor." I smiled and kept rubbing his back until I felt he wasn't tense. I continued to rub his back because he's done so much for me. He didn't have to handle my work, but thanks to him my headache from earlier went away. 

"Hey Al... can you play our song?" I smiled knowing what he wanted. I snapped my fingers and La Vie En Rose played on my microphone staff. This was very intimate to me, since well, I've never really enjoyed the touch. Angel was the only exception. Angel seemed to be half asleep, but he seemed to be fighting the sleep. I then sat on his hips to get better leverage as I massaged. Angel seemed to melt and I smiled seeing him content for once. I hummed La Vie En Rose to him and it seemed to take all his worries away. I felt connected to my darling. We were happy like this. Our shifts were over so that meant quality time with the one I loved so dearly. I worked for my hands down to his lower back. Angel groaned contently as the tension there went away slowly.

"It's alright Angel. This should help with any pain." He hummed in content as I rubbed the tenser areas. Though, the door opened. I looked over to see Charlie.

"Hey, Angel- OH! Hey guys." She blushed bright red. Angel was too tired and lost in content to listen.

"Charlie dear if you don't mind, we're busy." She blushed more and nodded as she left. She closed the door and I continued massaging him. Angel's phone got a text. One of my shadows picked it up and I saw a load of texts from Vaggie about Angel doing more work in a later shift. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"Angel hey! I know ya worked a lot, but could you take my shift so Charlie and I can go on a date?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hi, Vaggie this is Alastor. Yeah, Angel is busy right now. Bye." I hung up and watched as Angel slept. He looked so precious. I got up and laid him on his back instead and he woke up a bit.

"Thanks for that Al." He smiled at me sweetly. I got in bed with him and laid on his fluffy chest. Angel smiled and giggled.

"Hey if you lay in my fluff, can I touch your adorable ears?" I blushed and just nodded. He gently touched them and I purred contently. I hadn't felt such intimacy or love with someone in my life. I loved when Angel touched me. He smiled as I purred into his chest. We didn't need to talk or anything to feel connected. Angel's arms rested around my waist. We snuggled as he pets my ears.

I was happy that Angel just wanted my love and nothing else. He didn't care that I was asexual, he loved me regardless. This moment was a step toward the next step for me. To be in a happy relationship I never thought would blossom.  

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