Chapter 21

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ina's POV

Chewy didn't come back home for dinner. The others went to sleep early since they need to wake up early the next day. I waited for Chewy to come back by sitting down in the dining room, staring blankly at the plate of food that was not touched yet.

The door opened and i immediately went to the door. It was the girl i miss a lot. I finally see her after hours of not seeing her.

"Miss me?" Chewy asked and i smiled at her brightly with a nod. Chewy smiled and i could see that she was happy, very happy.

"Have you ate your dinner?" I asked, talking to her for the 1st time after the incident.

She shook her head. She was still smiling probably because she was happy that i was talking to her first instead of her talking to me first.

I held my hand out for her to hold. She seemed taken aback and was hesitant.

"I'm trying to overcome it even though the incident just happened yesterday." I explained with a smile.

"Okay. Then how about sleeping together?" Chewy asked as she held my hand and we went to the dining room.

"Hmm...I can try..." I said with uncertainty as i made the food hot for my wife. Chewy chuckled and i turned around to look at her.

"You sounds unsure. How about this? We sleep on the same bed but i won't touch you or anything. You can cuddle with me but i won't in case you will get scared. How does that sound?" Chewy said and looked at me.

"But i don't want you to hold back...What if you really want to cuddle with me too?" I said, not liking the idea.

"Don't worry. I will ask for your permission. I don't want to get slapped again, after all." Chewy said and joked.

"About that, i'm sorry for slapping your cheek." I said in guilty.

"It's okay. I should be saying sorry. I'm the one who leaned onto you even though i knew you are not comfortable yet. So i'm sorry too. You don't need to apologize. I will always forgive you no matter what." Chewy said with a smile and i cried as i threw myself onto her, sitting on her lap and hugging her. I buried my face on her neck. My tears are making her shirt and shoulder drenched but she doesn't seem to mind.

She patted my back with one hand while the other hand wrapped around my waist.

"Yo, sorry to interrupt but your food is ready. Here." Dahyun said.

"Thanks." Chewy said and i heard footsteps fading away from us. I guess Dahyun has went back to her room.

I felt that Chewy is moving her face so i looked up from her neck to see her munching on the food.

"Are you okay now?" Chewy asked once the food is not in her mouth. She looked at me with concern eyes.

"Yeah, i'm okay now. Can i hug you for now? I just miss hugging you." I said and she chuckled. I was confused. She then gently used one hand to put my face to her neck. I stayed in that position while she ate her dinner.

"I have to wash the plate." Chewy said softly and i hummed as i got up from her lap.

"Don't be sad. We will cuddle later on the bed if you want." She said with a smile and walked pass me to wash the plate.

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