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In the dark dinghy dungeons below, the queen and his men stood on the other side of the metal bars while the petite princess, hands and feet captive by chains, seethed in anger. The red lady commanded her general to allow the gagged princess her right to speak. The captive instead screamed and threatened to cut their heads. The red lady merely smiled, then spoke of the victories of the rebellion and the death of the tyrant king. She told of the fall to his death, the mob laughing and sneering at the memory of a naked king running with his tail between his legs. In that moment, the mad princess reached to grab the red lady, her small hand stretched out between the iron bars. Met with frustration that she could not reach any of them, she mouthed vile, foul and nasty slander till those of the men of the rebellion began to hold their sword ready to strike, to draw blood. The red lady raised her hand before any could step forward, bid a goodbye to the petite princess and assured her of a deep suffering in the days to come.

The castle was made merry in the days to come with the coming occasion of a coronation. The red lady was to be crowned queen, her beauty and majesty to be presented to all. Many men would come from far and wide to behold the wonder of a woman such as she - a liberator of a kingdom distraught by the tyranny of the few. Atop a balcony, a crown was placed on her head then she stood up raising a voice that spoke the song of victory, grateful for the men who heeded the call against the squanderers and the unscrupulous. The kingdom cheered with great expectation of a better life, a wonderful future under the benevolent red lady. The curtains drawn, the red lady retreats to a chamber, sighing as she sat upon a golden chair that stood behind a golden table with a round ball of glass on top. It shone brightly in the dark and she peered with glee as moving images began to reflect an entertaining scene. In the dark and dinghy dungeons below the petite princess was shivering in the cold, her dress torn and ragged as hungry rodents pulled and ate at the hems. In front was a tray emptied of its contents as the filthy mammals chewed the bits. They soon scampered off as the woman stood and walked, her face between the bars screaming at the top of her lungs till the guard that stood beside could not hold off his anger and frustration. He punched her in the face muttering angry words when she grabbed his arm, opened her small mouth, sharp teeth biting on flesh. The guard screamed in agony. He tried to pull his arm but there was a strength in the angry princess. The guard cried till others arrived  to pry open the doors, rushing toward the mad princess whose teeth pulled on flesh that bled. The man fainted at the sight when the others successfully pulled him off from his mad captor. He was brought to a healer who shook his head as he pointed to a far off bed. There were many occupants there that day, all brought in the same manner, recuperating from wounds that only teeth and sharp nails could cause for many were the victims of the mad princess. Unfortunate were the maids who came to deliver food which was thrown upon their faces as the princess would demand the luxuries of roasted meat. When meat was not served, the hunger came with madness and there was a biting and a slapping when none provided the food she desired. The guards marveled at her strength for they would use all their might to pull the prisoner from its unfortunate victim. After several of the maids were sent for healing, the servant men replaced them and were met with the same fate. The petite princess was soon ignored, no food was brought for her and in hunger she screamed. From morning to night, her screams echoed the dungeon halls causing the sleepless guards to grow annoyed. When the night was quiet, her screams would reach the main halls disturbing the maids and servants in their sleep. Many met with the red lady to voice their grievances against the prisoner not knowing she had watched from her ball of glass of their suffering. She had been laughing in great glee as the ball showed the mad princess in the dinghy dungeon screaming though no one was there now to guard nor hear her. The princess cursed once more when she fell - her head hitting the stone cold floor.

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