The Weekend Getaway Part 2

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After finding a guide leaflet at a tourist shop nearby and taking about the few minutes at Dragon's Edge just walking about, Hiccup and Astrid found themselves at a nearby park. The park was all greenery, from green trees to greens grass. Even with the cold weather, the park gave a warm feeling to its surroundings, with people sitting on benches, lying on the grass and children laughing and playing in the playground.

The two were lying near a large tree, with Hiccup leaning up against the tree trunk, looking through the leaflet guide. As he did, his eyes caught Astrid, lying next to him. Her whole body was submerged in the tall grass with her arms resting on her stomach and her eyes closed, quietly breathing in the fresh air. To Hiccup, there was something strangely peaceful about the way she was settled, relaxed like there was nothing to worry about. Except, deep down, there was and Hiccup still felt unsettled about it.

Feeling suddenly uneasy, he sighed quite loudly before facing his full attention to the leaflet. The audible sound made Astrid open her eyes and turned to face him.

"You're alright?" She asked. He shook his head in response. 

"It's nothing." He simply said. She smiled at him before sitting up from her lying position and stretching her arms.

"Found anything interesting?" She asked curiously. Hiccup did found something, but he knew that once he showed her, she would immediately want to go, even though he didn't personally want to. However, that didn't seem to stop him from showing her the leaflet, pointing at something which made her eyes grew in excitement. It was a cable cart system, allowing people to see the natural aspects of Dragon's Edge from above.

"Oh my gosh! We have to go there!" She demanded.

"But it costs about £30 for each person." He mentioned already regretting his decision.

"That's why I brought money with us. I'm guessing you didn't?" She said, raising her eyebrow at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't think we would be going to places like this."

She laughed before getting up and picking up her backpack. "Well, come on, then. We don't want the line to get longer."

Hiccup sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. "That's what I get, I guess.

"OK, fine. But I'm paying for the taxi, no questions asked."

Astrid was taken back by his demand. "I thought you said you didn't have enough money." she reminded him.

"Yeah, for cable carts, not for taxis or foods." He explained. She shrugged her shoulders, not objecting as they grabbed their stuff and headed out of the park. They managed to hail a taxi, which travelled for 30 minutes to the lower part of the city. Hiccup, as promised, paid for the taxi and they walked for about 3 minutes before finally making it to the cable cart site. There was a reception, which already had a line, but it wasn't massive to the point where they would wait for hours. After waiting for 30 minutes, it was finally their turn.

"Hello." A female receptionist greeted the two with kindness.

"Hi! We would like two tickets, please." Astrid requested.

"Alright, then." The woman said. She then went to the computer that was next to her and typed a few things on it. "OK, how old are you two?" she asked.

"16." Astrid said, before turning to Hiccup for him to answer.

"16 as well." He replied.

"OK..." A few more typing and the woman turned to face them again. "That will be £60, please." Astrid removed her backpack from her back to get her purse. She then pulled out three £20 notes and handed it to the receptionist. She took the money and then brought out two tickets.

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