Our Time With Horses

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'Hey. I found a horse-riding place for us to go!'


'Yeah, remember? On my bucket list?'

'Oh, yeah. You wanted to ride a horse.'

'That's right! Free this coming weekend?'


'Awesome! It's called Berk Horse Racing Arena. Meet me at the entrance at 1pm tomorrow.'


Hiccup was on the bus, sitting near the middle of the bus, looking out of the window and watching the scenery pass by. As he did, he was thinking back to the text conversation he had with Astrid, with the suggestion of doing horse riding. He remembered reading it from her bucket list and how he thought it was absurd and very unlikely. And yet, he was on the bus heading to that very thing. He smiled a bit at that thought.

The bus journey took 20 minutes, which included leaving the main town, heading outside the town. Hiccup had never been outside for a long time, so it was refreshing for him to get to see the countryside part of Berk. 

He soon arrived at his destination, getting off the bus and walking about 5 minutes to the horse racing arena. The area only had a few buildings, which were mainly farmhouses, with the landscape consisting of stretches of green and brown land. It felt like Hiccup had walked to a completely different country. 

Soon, he made it to the horse arena. It looked like the farmhouses he had just walked past. And standing next to the entrance, as expected, was Astrid. She was looking through her phone, so she didn't notice him walking towards her.

"Hey, Astrid." Hiccup called out. She looked up from her phone and the moment she saw Hiccup, the usual big grin appeared on her face as she waved.

"Hey, you made it!" She exclaimed. Hiccup smiled as he waved back, now standing in front of her.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you found the place. This area is so desolate." She said as she put her phone away.

"I guess, but I don't mind it." Hiccup said.

"Oh, I don't mind it either. It's just cool, you know. This kind of place being in Berk." She smiled. "So, you're ready to ride some horses?" Hiccup gave an expression of unsureness, which made Astrid laughed.

"Don't worry, it will be fun." She said, lightly punching his arm before beginning to head inside. Hiccup sighed, taking a deep breath before following her. They opened the wooden main door, leading them to a wide, open area, with only chairs and a desk at the end. They walked up to it, where they see a young female, sitting at the desk.

"Hello. How can I help you?" She introduced.

"Hello. I booked for the two of us for a beginner riding session." Astrid explained. The female then went to the computer that was next to her.

"Your names, please?"

"Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup Haddock."

"Ah, you booked for 1:15?" Astrid nodded in response. The woman turned around to look at a clock that was behind her, seeing the time as 1:17pm.

"Well, you're not so late." She mentioned before pointing towards a door on the left side. "Just go through that door. There should be an instructor waiting for you."

"Great! Thank you." Astrid said, giving her a wave. Hiccup nodded to the woman in appreciation and the two headed to the door she pointed out.

Through the door was a large riding arena, covered with dirt and hay, with the edges lined with white fencing. There was some jumping obstacle equipment placed there as well. Astrid stopped in her tracks; her eyes wide with amazement as she looked around.

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