A Chance To See You

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Hiccup was lying on his bed on his side, completely still. The night had come a while ago, but while his curtains were closed, he didn't turn on the lights. He lied in the darkness, staring out blankly. His whole body felt numb, like all his feelings and emotions vanished, leaving only sadness behind.

He had been in his room the moment he returned from school. He didn't announce himself to Stoick once he entered. He didn't come downstairs to eat, though he didn't feel hungry anyway. He didn't even draw dragons or read his book like he used to. He had never felt this empty before, like his soul was stripped away from him. And he hated it. He hated how afraid and emotional he felt about Astrid. How he lashed out to Heather. How he cried to himself until he had to go to his last lesson.

He just wanted this to end. For this nightmare to end. For Astrid to be OK.

"That she wouldn't have to die..."

A knock on his door was heard, just as Hiccup's thoughts were about to go deep again. However, he didn't make any attempt to get up from his lying position. Letting out a sigh, he slightly turned his head in the direction of the door.

"... Yeah...?" His voice was so quiet that he doubted that anyone could hear him, but miraculously, the door opened and through it came Stoick. Once he knew it was his dad, Hiccup turned his head to its original position, looking at nothing.

"There's someone on the phone who wants to speak to you." Stoick mentioned. 

Hiccup wanted to argue that he was not in the right state of mind to talk to anyone. That he just wanted to be left alone, but his empty thoughts could not bring him to do so, so in defeat, he aimlessly reached his arm out. He then felt the phone being placed in his stretched-out hand, before hearing footsteps and the door closing. Hiccup then lazily placed the phone over his ear, still lying in his position.

"...Hello?" He spoke a bit louder, now also realising his voice being quite croaky.

"Hello? Am I speaking with Hiccup?" A female voice was heard over the phone. There was something familiar about her, but Hiccup couldn't bring himself to think.

"Mmm... Yes..." He answered.

"Hi. This is my Astrid's mother. I, umm..."

"Astrid?!" Hiccup's eyes grew so wide that they could have popped out suddenly. He shot right up from his position, instantly feeling the dizziness in his head, but he couldn't care less. He pushed anything aside for what happening right this moment.

"Astrid! I-Is she OK? I-Is she alive? C-Can I...?" He stopped himself from his rapid questions, realising he may be overwhelming Astrid's mum with so many questions so suddenly. "I-I'm sorry, I..."

"It's OK." She insisted. "She did say you would be panicking."

"Wait, so... s-she's OK?" He could feel a slight smile forming on his face from hearing something about her. That was all he wanted – to know she would be OK.

"... Yes... For now..."

But then, that smile immediately disappeared and a pit of dread began to form in his stomach.

"Fo... For now...?" He dared to ask.

Astrid's mum sighed before asking. "She said you know of her illness. Is that true?"

Hiccup swallowed to try and calm himself from beginning to shake, but to no prevail. "Y-Yes. I do."

"Well..." She sighed once again. "The illness... had spread. Far more and... quicker than the doctors had anticipated. She has to stay in the hospital for now on, so that the doctors can keep track of her better. ...But... they said... there's a possibility... she won't make it this time."

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