A Chance To Be Remembered

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An ambulance came about 5 minutes later and after checking her first, they took Astrid in the vehicle. Hiccup didn't come along but advised the paramedics to call her parents as soon as possible. Once the vehicle left, everything was silent, with only a few residents looking out of their windows to see what the commotion was all about.

Hiccup stood still on the pavement, with his hands and breath shaking and a tear handing over his eyes, threating to fall. After a while, he walked slowly back to his house. Stoick had asked him what happened, but he didn't answer. He just walked up to his room and lied on his bed, silent without moving a muscle.

The image of seeing Astrid lying motionless on the ground haunted his mind throughout the night. He couldn't sleep without thinking if she was going to be OK. If she was going to survive and that she could hang out for a bit longer. For the first time, he was afraid. Truly afraid of losing her.

When he came to school the next day, everyone was asking him if Astrid was OK. They all knew she was in the hospital, but they were told her reason was that she tripped and hit her head badly. All he could say was 'I don't know' because he didn't. He didn't know if she was OK.

After school, he couldn't bring himself to go to the hospital and visit her. He was scared to go and be told that her time was running out. He wasn't ready to hear that. Because of this, the next day of school involved people still asking him. Those two days was when he got the most attention ever at school. He didn't like that, not one bit.

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It was Wednesday after school and after much resistance, Hiccup finally decided to visit Astrid to see how she was doing and to finally give a definite answer for himself, as well as everyone else. He took the bus to Berk Hospital, which took about 15 minutes to get there. For the whole journey, he had his eyes closed, paying no attention to his surroundings, keeping to his own thoughts.

"Please be OK." He thought. "Please let her be OK."

He reached the hospital, getting off the bus and walking a minute to the building. There were many people, either sitting at the reception area or waiting in a line at the desk. Hiccup joined the line, keeping his eyes on the ground and shoving his hands in his pockets, only occasionally looking up.

Once he reached the desk, he was met with a female on the desk, who had to answer a call after the previous attendant. The call only lasted 3 minutes before she finished. She looked at Hiccup and smiled. "Good afternoon, sir." She greeted.

"Umm... hello. I would like to visit Astrid Hofferson." Hiccup requested. The woman went to her computer, typing in something and clicking.

"Ah, Hofferson. She's at the Cove Ward. The first door you see when you walk in." She instructed.

"OK, thank you." He nodded before heading off, walking down a long corridor. Reaching the end, he saw a sign on the wall that indicated the locations of every ward. After finding out that the Cove Ward was at the third floor, he took a elevator to the floor. Once he left, he walked down another corridor before finally arriving the Cove Ward, where, as told, he came across the first door.

He stood in front of it, taking many deep breaths which made his hands shake.

"It'll be OK." He whispered, before finally bring up the urge to knock on the door. There wasn't an answer.

This made him anxious, so, in panic, he opened the door. And at that moment, he froze, shocked at what he saw - Astrid was standing.

She was facing away from the door, looking at the window as she was doing some stretches. She was wearing earphones, quietly singing along to the song she was listening to, which explained why she didn't answer the knock.

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