The Weekend Getaway Part 4

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The morning sun shined through the partly opened curtains and onto Hiccup's closed eyes, making him squint and stir, eventually opening them to meet the morning. He yawned, stretching his arms high up before sitting up on the bed. As he rubbed his eyes, he noticed that Astrid was not in bed. Just before he had the chance to ask himself where she might be, he heard her humming coming from the bathroom.

"Ah, thought so." He got up from bed and walked towards the window, opening the curtains. He took a moment to admire the view their room provided, seeing the building and nature emerging together by the yellow and light blue morning sky.

Then suddenly, he was removed from his thoughts by loud coughing, as if someone was choking on something. Turning around, he heard it coming from the bathroom. He walked up to the bathroom door, but at that moment, the coughing stopped. However, he still felt obliged to find out what was happening, so he knocked on it.

"Astrid? Are you OK?" he asked, barely hiding the concern in his voice. There was silence for a few seconds, which rubbed him the wrong way, but finally she spoke.

"Oh, morning, Hiccup. Yeah, I'm OK. Just... swallowed something wrong."

"Swallowed?" He questioned.

"Yeah... Must have been my spit, don't worry." She said. But Hiccup knew she was lying.

Immediately thinking about the tablets he found in her bag last night, he believed she had swallowed one of them wrong. But he didn't call her out on it, since she didn't know that he knew. He then returned to his bed and lied on his back. He couldn't stop thinking about the sinking feeling in his stomach, hearing that cough.

About a minute later, the bathroom door opened, which caused him to sit up, seeing Astrid coming out of the room, wearing blue jeans and a red shirt, with her hair braided as normal.

She smiled at Hiccup and gave a wave. "Did I wake you up?" She asked.

Hiccup shook his head. "No, I was... awake already."

"Alright, then." She said before walking up to her bed, placing her backpack that she took to the bathroom. Hiccup then heard her gasp as she looked out of the window.

"Wow, what a view." She exclaimed.

"Yeah..." He said under his breath before getting up, grabbing his toothbrush and paste and heading to the bathroom. Just as he began to brush his teeth, he heard a phone ringing.

"Oh, that's mine." He heard Astrid declare as he continued.

"Oh boy. Here we go." She said, which made him confused at her words. "Hey, Heather! What's up?" Hiccup's eyes grew at the mention of Heather's name.

"Don't 'what's up' me! Where are you?!" Astrid had put the phone call on speaker, so Hiccup could hear the conversation.

"Let me guess. My parents called you, right?" Astrid said

"Uh, yes!"

"And you covered for me, right?"

"Of course! I'm not going to rat you out like that since you would have a good reason to lie to your parents."

"Well, I'm glad I can still trust you with this. And technically, I didn't lie to my parents."

"What do you mean? Are you at Dragon's Edge?"

"Yes, just not with you, like I said to them."

"Then, with who?"

"Take a guess." There was a pause, until a long, irritated sigh escaped through the phone.

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