Her Final Words

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Despite it being the month of May, the first week had grey clouds covering the sky, with the occasional downpours of rain, drenching the streets. It wasn't the kind of weather Berk was accustomed to, but some could say it was a reflection on what its people were feeling.

Berk was a town where most of the residents knew almost everyone. So, everyone was completely devastated when the news of Astrid's passing got out. Since no one knew about her illness, it came as a shook that a seemingly healthy young woman died suddenly. It felt like the whole town was in mourning, especially Berk Secondary School.

The school decided to close for a week in tribute to one of their most popular and beloved students. It was also so that they could attend her funeral, which took place about a week after her death. Many attended, but not everyone did. Hiccup was one of them.

Deep down, Hiccup thought about going. He knew he had to, but he couldn't bring himself to. If he did, it would mean he would officially be saying goodbye to Astrid and there was no way he was going to do that. He wasn't ready to let her go. To say goodbye. He never was.

Instead, while the funeral was taking place, he was stuck in his room, lying on his bed and curled up inwards, crying to himself. His eyes would get deep red and his pillow would be soaked. He would look at their last text conversation, haunted by the idea that she knew her texts would be her last, which would cause him to sob violently again, clenching against his bedsheets, wanting that nightmare to end.

But it never did. His nightmare was his reality, and he hated that more than anything. Hated the fact that the only person he truly cared about was taken away from him so soon.

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Hiccup faintly heard the knock on his door, like he was hearing it underwater. It was then he realised he had unknowingly falling asleep. As he began to wearily open his eyes, breaking through his dried tears, he was met with complete darkness, with only the moonlight shining through his open window provide some form of light.

He grunted at the feeling of his pounding head as he sluggishly sat up from his lying position, having to use his arms as support. From there, he saw his pillow was still soaked, prompting him to rub his eyes, which were still red. His head was an unruly mess, and his body felt like all of his energy was drained, despite his nap.

He heard the door knock again, this time more clearly, which made him sigh deeply and in frustration.

"...Coming..." His voice was crocky in all place and almost a whisper that he doubted that whoever knocked the door, presumably Stoick, heard him. Regardless, Hiccup reluctantly shifted his legs over to the edge of the bed and slowly stood up on his feet. He almost fell back, but he managed to grab hold of his bed counter in order to catch himself. He took a moment to catch his breath before standing up straight.

His walk to the door was almost painful, like he was dragging his legs through thick mud. His head hung low, not caring about the slight pain on his neck as he did. Finally, he reached for the door and slowly opened it. He only opened it a quarter of the way, but it was enough to see his father standing on the other side of it.

"... Yes, Dad?" Hiccup said, clearly sounding not bothered with his quiet voice.

Stoick sighed before speaking. "There's... someone who wants to..."

"Don't care." Hiccup was about to close the door, not wanting to hear another word about having to talk to a visitor when Stoick quickly interjected.

"I-It's Mrs Hofferson." Hiccup froze in place, the door just barely open. His eyes grew wide and he felt his breath quicken. It took everything in mind to open his door again, facing Stoick again.

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