Chapter 1: Senior Year

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There was a robot, a bear, a robotic bear. It was cornering a young girl in the corner of what seemed to be an office. "Greetings, young one! Welcome To Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Here, you will work, make 'friends', and suffer FOREVER!!! Ah Hahahaha!!!"

All of a sudden, Kaitlyn Turner woke up from a horrible dream! She sat straight up panting. She took a deep breath. "Kaitlyn, don't worry. It was just a dream..." She took a deep breath and soon fell back asleep. A few hours later, there was a knock at her door. Knock knock knock. Kaitlyn got up to open her door. It was her Mom, Jenna. "Kaitlyn, someone named Brandon is here to see you." she said. "Ok just let me get dressed. You also know to call me Katie, please. Oh, and get Emma in here please!"

Emma was Katie's twin sister. But they weren't the only two kids in the house. They had a step-sister named Cara. She is one year younger than Emma and Katie. Katie and Emma were identical twins. But on their 13th birthday, Katie and Emma dyed their hair the color of their choice. Katie did purple and Emma did blue. Emma only dyed the tips of her hair blue but Katie did it all purple. Cara also got that chance on her 13th birthday. She did pink at the tips of her hair.

Emma soon entered Katie's room and helped her pick out her outfit for their first day as seniors in high school!!! Brandon, Katie's new boyfriend, was walking with them to school.

"Hey Katie!" said Brandon when she and Emma walked into the room. "Hi! Oh yeah!" said Katie when she looked at Mom. "Mom, Emma, I would-" She was interrupted by Cara walking into the room. "Cara too! Ok, this is Brandon, my boyfriend..." she finished. "Pleasure to meet you Brandon." said Jenna. "Believe me, the pleasure is all mine." he replied, putting an arm around Katie's shoulders and pulling her closer.

"Well, we better get going so we get our schedules before everyone else does." said Brandon. "Yeah that would be wise." agreed Katie. They hugged their mom goodbye and set off for school.

Ally Sanchez, Katie's worst enemy since elementary school, was being horrible to Katie and made her cry. Emma found Katie in the bathroom sobbing.

"What did Ally do this time?" asked Emma. "She brought up th-the letter incident from fourth grade and rubbed it in my face of how the next year, she st-started dating Cody!" said Katie with great difficulty. Emma hugged her. "Let's go talk to Brandon. He'll make you feel better." suggested Emma. "Fine." said a reluctant Katie.

They left the bathroom and found Brandon waiting for them by the door. As soon as he saw the tears in Katie's eyes, he set down his phone and sat down on the bench next to her. "What happened?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.. "Ally decided to bring up the letter incident from fourth grade." said Katie with a sniffle. Brandon had gone to school with Katie and Emma for the past ten years. They had met in the second grade.

"Do you guys want to hang out at the park later and climb our tree?" asked Brandon. "'Your' tree?" asked Emma. "On Saturday, Katie went to the park, and I was playing football with the guys. I told Marcel to go long but when I threw the ball, I accidentally threw it into the tree. Katie was up in that tree because she sits there while reading her favorite book: 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' . I didn't know she was there so I started climbing the tree when I heard a voice, 'What are you doing up here, Brandon?' It was Katie. I was startled and almost fell but instead I told her what I needed. I suggested we hang out there the next day and we did."

"It's a date!" said Katie. "Wow... Wait! Is that the tree we would play in as kids?!" asked Emma. "Yeah. they cut the bottom limbs so no one could climb it... Oh well!" said Katie. "Of course you did..." laughed Emma. The girls were telling childhood stories all the way to the tree.


Hey... How did I do? This chapter is dedicated to my Wattpad bestie, AlexMMaynard. GO FOLLOW HER SHE IS SO AWESOME!!!


751 words


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