Chapter 6: Assignments

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The next day at school, Katie had to write a story. Katie found out that in Language Arts and instantly had inspiration. Everyone was put into groups of five. The best story will be put into the school's newspaper and the creators will get a day off of school.

Katie's group consisted of Herself, Emma, Brandon, Myia, and Savanna. Each group got a certain genre. Their group's was HORROR!!! Katie was so, so happy! She and her friend, Justin, used to tell scary stories in elementary school.

Their story was going to be called, "Once upon a SCREAM!" It was about a girl that had a dream about danger that herself and two other kids went into in an abandoned warehouse in the woods. The dream later in the story comes true, leading to a series of unfortunate events.

Katie and the group got together with Katie's laptop at the tree the next day. They had one week to do this assignment. They got through chapters one through three in two hours! They were on track and would succeed greatly! Or would they?

The next day at school, they had a surprise fire drill! It was a surprise to the teachers, too! Katie thought something was off. Back a few years ago, when her Dad was alive, she thought he was cheating on her Mom so she had made a mini camera and it turned out he wasn't cheating. She carried one with her because during her lunch hour, she would sometimes go to the technology room to work on it. Katie took out the camera and put it next to her computer to watch it and see if anything went wrong.

They went outside and as long as they paid attention, they could play on their phones. Katie went into the camera app she made and turned it on. She saw someone move towards her computer. It pressed a couple of keys and walked away.

When they got back to the classroom, Katie screamed. The rest of the group rushed over and screamed as well! ALL of their progress on the story had been DELETED! EVERYTHING, GONE!

Mr. Snyder came over and Katie pulled out her phone. She showed him the video and he told her to go to the principal's office to show Mrs. Kassy what she had caught on tape.

Mrs. Kassy was the principal at Kennedy High and she was the best! Everyone loved her! When she got down there and told Mrs. Kassy what she saw and showed her the tape, Mrs. Kassy checked the hallway tapes. She saw the figure walk into Mr. Snyder's room. Then a couple of minutes later, come back out and rush down the stairs.

She checked the camera at the bottom of the stairs. The person went into the girls restroom. "Obviously it was a girl 'cause look:" Katie pointed to the camera. Everyone came back in and the figure came out of the restroom and took off it's hood.

It looked like... ALLIE SANCHEZ?! Mrs. Kassy walked over to the P.A. system to call down to Allie's current teacher. "Mr. Anderson?" said Mrs. Kassy over the loudspeaker to Mr. Anderson. "Yes?" replied Mr. Anderson. "Can you send Allie Sanchez to the principal's office?" asked Mrs. Kassy. "Sure, and will she be returning to class?" asked Mr. Anderson. "No, she will not. She is going home." replied Mrs. Kassy.

"Katie? Can you go wait in Mr. Donn's office while I speak with her?" asked Mrs. Kassy. "Of course." replied Katie. She went into the disciplinary office to wait. She heard the principal talking to Allie a few minutes later.

Katie sent a text to the group. It said: "Hey guys? I looked at the camera and it looks like Allie did it!" "Of course it was her!" "That does not shock me." "Who's Allie?" "My worst enemy at school and, like, ever!" "What happened?" "We have an assignment and it's a contest and the winning group gets a day off of school. She deleted ALL of our progress."

"Wow! That's horrible!" "At least your group has a copy of it... right?" I have a copy of it because Katie shared it with the group!" "Yeah, me too!" "Great! Talk to you guys later. Oh and Emma, Brandon, Brayden? We can leave campus for lunch today! Want some McDonald's?" "Sure!" "I'm in!" "All right!"

They met up at the cafeteria doors and left for lunch. When they got there, they ordered three junior tomato hamburgers and one big mac. They ate and with forty minutes to spare, since every grade gets one hour of lunch time they went to Target to get some stuff.

Katie was OBSESSED with legos! She had been saving up since she was fourteen for the biggest lego set EVER MADE! It was about six-thousand pieces! It was the ENTIRE school in Katie's favorite book series: Harry Potter and she had enough money to get it!

Once Katie bought it, the group left and got into Katie's mustang and left. Her car was purple with blue flames on the sides. They dropped the lego set off at Katie and Emma's and left to go back to school.

They got there with one minute to spare. They bid goodbye to one another and left for fifth hour. They met up after school to go to the tree and work on their story, "Once upon a SCREAM!"

Brayden and Cara stayed at the tree with them to proofread their story so far. "It's really good! You guys really captured the fear of Isabella and Maria when the snakes grow legs and chase them." said Cara. "Yeah... your going to tell how that happened, right?" asked Brayden. "Yeah, duh!" replied Katie.

Ring ring, ring ring. Katie's phone was ringing. She answered. "Hello? Katie speaking." she said. "Hey Katie! I want you to come have coffee with me and my Mom later! Can you?" asked the caller. Katie soon realized it was Myia calling. "Your Mom? Ohh yeah, Mrs. Kassy! Right! Your the principal's daughter! Yeah, sure! Does six sound good?" asked Katie. "Of course! See you then!" said Myia. "Bye!" said Katie.

"What was that about?" asked Emma. "I'm going to have coffee with Myia and her Mom, Principal Kassy!" replied Katie. "Why?" asked Emma. "I don't know... tell Mom I'll be a little late..." Katie was still mad at Ally for the story thing.

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