Danseuse 🩰

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Hero name Danseuse the ghosted samurai hero

Student name Shōzō Naminè

Age 16

Race Half Italian half Japanese

Class 2-A

Height 5ft5

Birthday October 4

Weight 135 pounds

Hair color white long braided knot do ponytail in a light pink bow long bangs later was add black at then end of hair due to quirk

Eye color Dark galaxy eye

Former education Seiai academy

Present education UA

Blood type -A

Dorm room 2F

Mental health Former bulimic,

Extra right arm Automail light weight

Power 3/5

Speed 4/5

Technique 6/5

Intelligence 5/5

Cooperativeness 5/5

Fighting style capoeira, fencing, kendo, muay tai, military strategy

Quirk tool twin swords

Voice actor

Japanese: Rika kinugawa

English: Erika haracher 

Quirk appear type emitter,

Like teleportation it's faster as long she knows where's she going, she makes a poof sounds every time she uses her quirk, if she doesn't know she would end up in a random place. Too much of her quirk can make her exhausted and possibly form a rash.
Second quirk will appear soon.  https://my.w.tt/CKCb35NENab

History At a young age namine had become independent with her 4 older brothers who are pro heroes, her mom always seem to neglected her in favor of the brothers for some unknown reasons, this give her low self esteem from thinking she wasn't enough and due to her dad not in the picture that much due to him being a military general she didn't receive enough love her brothers made up for that.

Naminè had been taken to Italy before to her quirk came in she didn't remember anything but what she didn't know is that her mom order a operation to put a quirk stabilizer to stop her but Naminè gotten her quirk a teleportation like her oldest brother hisao due to her mother dismay she begin to treat her like a doll not caring about her feelings what so ever. This begin the resentment towards her mother. Soon she place in a modeling which almost made her Bulimic.

With the help of her oldest brother Hisao who is a pro her called Excalibur who has the same quirk as her, taught her everything he knows about sword fighting . Her other brothers decide to help as well making her more attributes to her, the second oldest Daichi help teach her about technician on Strategy, third one Takeo taught her about different types of weapons in hero world, and finally Aki will teach her how to fight ballet form of a balance. But as time went on they would move on without her.

One day in her 1st year of middle school after a ballet class she was on her way home when an explosion appear in front of her a villain came out and hold her hostage till her oldest brother came scared of her life she was afraid to use her quirk she was in a tight situation, her brother tried to think rationally about this he did want to hurt his sister but then saw police trying to shoot he try to stop but then the villain created an explosion but in that he cut off Naminè arm off. Screaming in pain and loosing blood hisao takes Naminè to the nearest hospital doesn't care about the villain.

When namine woke up in the hospital she saw that her right arm was missing and she didn't know how to process this and became numb and close off from the world she then saw her mom came but not for her but for her brother who was injured during the battle, something inside of her snap she then yell at her mother for negligence and making her think this was her fault and with that Naminè never spoke to her mom from then on her older brother was able to get her a prosthetic arm with able to fight with it by Gizmo, she did learn how to fix her arm And tune it. In middle school she was sexually harassed by the male students but the teachers didn't do anything and the principal made her wear pants for the rest of the school year.

Namine later went to Seiai academy . She was a bit of a outcast due to her arm and her ideals of corroboration but she did try her best when it came to fighting, some of the girls called her the ice queen she didn't get her heroes license until the first group went she was more of using her wit at the time and her swordsmanship was making her more noticeable among the girls almost like the see her as a knight in white skirt, she was being nice to other girls but still didn't feel right in this school.

On her way home she was kidnap and place in the asylum with a bunch of other kids with that she was being drug and torture through mental breakdowns knowing how widow works on others, with wearing quirk resistance cuffs on her she couldn't teleport her way out, Namine need to be strong for these teenagers and soon meets Miki who is just like her a loner she tries to be her friend but miki still has trust problems she does talk to her every now and then soon days to turn into months, with that all hope is losing until Three kids from UA appear she was skeptic at first but a least give them a fighting chance on what is happening. Especially hearing about the war

The first person she meet was bakugou she was somehow interested in him when she saw him fight one of the villains she help from getting himself killed and help him recover a bit he didn't like her at first but one day she gets all hot temper on Smokey he was impress by her fighting and saw something else hearing about what happen to him in the war. Soon when word got out that the heroes are coming Namine was going to help get the cuffs off first and with that, the battle begin but after the cuffs were taken off and chaos was in order most of them were separated by tempest.

Namine tried to escape but was stop by Smokey with her quirk, almost suffocating her with smoke bakugou ran to her but use her arm reveling to everyone of her shocking bakugou snaps out of it help namine they decide to combine their quirks to create a firework type move and with that they were to defeat smokey

After seeing midoriya friends coming to bringing him back to UA she decide to brink kazami away to fight without them and with that causing to get hurt in the process but they help manage to stop Widow.

Namine and the rest of the girls were place in UA care for the time being

After everything she went to UA and Join class 2-A and surprising she join the bakusquad along with hotaru ,She and bakugou have a unusual relationship but they make a great team. She also has a bond with karminari.

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