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I don't own these characters but gizmo
Don't own video

Hero name Gizmo the blacksmith hero

Name Roka Satoko

Age 26

Birthday September 22

Height 5ft0

Hair color  pale sea foam hair spike pick tails (soon would be cut short)

Eye color left eye red, right eye brown

Blood type -O

Hero number 1881

Outfit black crop top with funnel neck , dark baggy blue pants , long fingerless gloves with steel tips, dark belt, black mask, metal hair bands, dark brown welding googles.

Work clothes blue jumpsuit

Voice actor

English: Celine millier

Japanese: Saeko kamijo

Quirk magnetism type emitter
Can attract any metal around her to her body and retract it as well as well as lifting  it, was,with her mind she is able to use the metal to form a weapon of her chosen and even make armor for herself. If she uses too much of her quirk she will go numb slowly until she collapses

When Satoko was young she didn't know what was going on around her, she was place into a slave trade at age 5 where her parents were drug addicts sold her to them, She was later place up to bid when her quirk begin to appear by on stage she was able to attract a bunch of bolts to her arm scared and confused she didn't know what to do until a bunch of hero's came in raid the place scared she ran into alley crying and being she was then founded by a old support hero name Ratchet who was near the raid and saw her and decided to take her back with him.

When they arrive at the backstreets where a small area where this business called workshop a business where they help build quirk tools,gears, and weapons for heroes and police.  A big building where it's connect to a small part of a condo like building.

There Satoko was Greeted by nuu a teenager assistant for ratchet who was shock when meeting the child who could say anything but babbling like a infant and was very underweight, ratchet decide to adopt her because she need a nice home to live and nuu was about object but then he remembers he was in the same situation as her so he so he would help as well.

Everyone who work at the wear-house seem to taken a shine to satoko except Nao who was the grandson of ratchet who was mean and rude to anyone, nuu taught satoko how to talk properly and saw her quirk was becoming more powerful due to her training, ratchet didn't want the hero commission to take her away to become some sort of weapon.

When she gotten older Her intelligence begin to grow with her abilities of taking things apart and putting them together again, satoko help with his work from time to time and was impress how well she was doing with the help of Yuu, with that she was able to  help create quirk tools for ratchet. She was a little plump for her age due to not starving again. She then decide to become a support hero

One day after school she came nao came to her and made some unwanted advance to her with her being small he toke advantage of her and soon she was almost  deflower. She stay in her room for three days feeling disgusted with herself which made her loose a lot of weight.  she told Yuu what happen to her which in results of a brawl and satoko stop them by using her quirk to hold metal on their bodies in the air until ratchet came and taken in both into his office. In the end nao was arrest and never been seen again. But the damage had been done on satoko.

Soon she went to shiketsu high school where she was place in hero course, one day after school she meets taishirou Toyomitsu where he was in the same class as her, he saw her drawing a quirk tool and was impressed by it and they started talking soon they became friends, this brought yuu and ratchet happiness knowing she made a friend. She didn't know yet he had a crush on her.

Soon she hears about ratchet illness and hearing he doesn't have much time life she rush to the hospital but she was too late he was gone, after a couple of days of mourning she and yuu found a will and letter in it it says he left full ownership to satoko of the company and yuu a place a in the to support company where all support hero are represented their company. Gizmo reads the letter and breaks down say he was happy to have her in his life and proud of knowing she would be a great hero.

Satoko was now in charge of the company she begin to make preparation on a few changes now that she is in charge, Soon she was chosen much to her dismay to be a powerhouse due to her quirk, with that she made a few allies in the powerhouse one of which is Tempest who became close due to them being the only two in the same area where she would giver new gear in exchange of her asking other heroes about her. The commission also taken her in as the weapons maker and powerhouse hero. Fatgum always come over a visit her, he talks her about the vigilantes he meet and she was impress by them. They started dating in that time.

When she learn about Tempest death she went into a slump of loosing one of her closes friends but with the help with tai she was able to get back. Within years she was able to become one of the most famous support heroes at a young age soon taken a internship of mei from UA but soon heard about the other missing children and war that been happening she was force to stay on the sidelines by the commission due to being to dangerous. After the war she was brought to fight her friend tempest seeing they are the only two that can go head to head with her but lost.

After the asylum she was able to get back on her feet and treated her old friend back she then decide to take mei and Hotaru because after she went to UA. She and fatgum are still dating.

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