Part 1

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My name is Kristiel. I am, or I used to be, a low level angel. I took orders from the higher ups and carried them out. The main angel I received orders from was Samael, but he is mainly known as Lucifer now. When he fell, I didn't know what to do. None of the other angels had a relationship like I had with Sam. For example, I am the only one he allows to call him any form of his original name. But  never in front of strangers.

I followed him to Hell, and I helped build what it is today. Every cell, every device, I had a hand in crafting. Suddenly he decided he had enough, and wanted to live in the human world. I followed him once again, and Mazikeen tagged along as well. We ended up in the city of angels in California. Lucifer found an old club building and was able to make a deal with the owner. As the 'builder' of the three of us I fix it up to look like a contemporary club and living space for us. Lucifer named the club Lux and we've been here ever since. I can tell Maze is sick of this place, but the boss is having way too much fun.

I grew bored about two years into coming to the human world. I am so different from Lucifer and Maze. I don't like crowds or the loud music of the club, and I don't feel the need to have sex with everything walking on two legs. Most of the time I just sit in my room and surf the internet for hours on end. That's where I found a community I could get behind. It's a group of people who create costumes. Some are original and most are based on a character from a show, movie, game, etc. Watching the videos and seeing the photos of the process these people took lit a fire in my heart and soul that I had forgotten was there. Yes, I am a cosplayer.

I started out slowly, creating stereotypical angel, demon, and devil outfits. I had Maze take pics of me in each of them so I could post them online. I gained quite a following and started to venture out into costumes with more weapons and armor. I got into a groove, working on the costumes every day.

Today, however I ended up running out of some materials I needed to finish some armor. I asked Lucifer if he could drive me to get what I needed. He kindly obliged only if I changed from my working clothes (Sports bra, leggings, and trainers) into something presentable for the outside world. I huff but agree, taking off my leggings and trainers and tossing on a nice casual black long sleeve midi dress with slightly puffy sleeves and cuffs that are similar to a male dress shirt. I brush out my pixie cut light brown hair and use a blue bandana to make my hair not look so boring. I grab my lightly blue tinted sunglasses and throw on some black flats before heading down to meet Lucifer at the door.

"I see you remember how to dress like a respectable person." He comments with his sexy English accent. I roll my eyes and lead the way to where his 1962 Chevy Corvette C1 convertible is parked. He drives me to the store, and on the way back I ask if we can grab something to eat we stop at a nice restaurant. It wasn't what I was looking for, but we just grabbed something quick for dessert and headed back to Lux.

With Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant blasting on the radio, Lucifer speeds through the streets of LA. This is nothing new to me, but on one of the straight-aways we pass a police officer on a motorcycle who immediately turns his siren on and pulls us over. Both of us look at the officer tailing us in the rearview mirror. Lucifer smiles as we look to each other and he pulls over so the man can talk to us. I roll my eyes and huff. This is so inconvenient.

"Calm yourself, Kris. I've got this." He tells me.

"Turn the music down, sir." The officer says as he walks up to Lucifer's side of the car. He doesn't do so, and the officer asks again. "Hey, cut the music."

"I'm sorry." Lucifer chuckles before following the request.

"You know why I pulled you over?" The officer asks.

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