Idk how to feel

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So ummm..... I have a sleep paralysis demon and it looks like this

 I have a sleep paralysis demon and it looks like this

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But instead of that mask it's the Parody Ghostface mask instead you know the one that's smiling yeah that one and it fucking makes fun of me because I can't get up for 2 hours straight because that's how long it is with me in my bedroom while I'm ...

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But instead of that mask it's the Parody Ghostface mask instead you know the one that's smiling yeah that one and it fucking makes fun of me because I can't get up for 2 hours straight because that's how long it is with me in my bedroom while I'm awake in the night and before it goes away it dabs and poofs away saying " I'll be back~ " in the gayest way possible also if my sleep paralysis demon sees this, please stop making fun of me while I can't move because of you

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