Part Two

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Petra's POV

I saw the Admin teleport Jesse away. It went by in a few seconds. I screamed her name, but the Admin stopped me from doing so. "What did you do to her?" I said angrily.

"She's in a place where only my champion goes," he replies lightly, "you should be happy for her." No. This can't be happening. Then, the Admin's eyes lit up with an evil grin. He smiled at me, then said, "And as for you, I'll take you somewhere where you'll never. See. The. Light. Of. Day. Ever. Again." Then, darkness.


After being teleported by the Admin, I landed on a hard paved path that was an orangish tint. I looked around and saw bedrock everywhere I looked, even on the ceiling. Then, I jumped when I heard a voice coming from behind me. I took out Miss Butter, my trusty sword, and held it close to me. Only then I realized that the voice was just a recording. "Follow the red path to the check-in zone."

What red path?, I thought, but then I saw a glowing red line on the pathway in front of me. The recording continued to play over and over, sounding more louder and more bossier by the minute. It said, "If you don't, you get the lava." I looked up and saw lava tipping slowly towards me. 

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I said annoyed. I've only been here for about five minutes and I already hate it. I followed the glowing line and saw a fenced-off area with a building inside. A mural of a rainbow and sunshine (ugh, how sappy can you get?) was painted on the side of the building with a sign that said "Sunshine Institute."

"Why the heck would someone name this place the 'Sunshine Institute?' This is a creepy and un-sunshiney place!" I say out loud. Then, I heard some voices, then somebody grabbed me by the arms. It was a golem, but it didn't look like any golem I ever seen. It was glowing purple and black and wore a black hat on its head.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, but it took no notice, taking me inside the strange building. Oh, how I wish I wasn't alone in this place. Why couldn't Jesse be here too? She'd calm me down at a time like this...

Stay calm, Petra. You'll get out of this somehow, I tell myself, but I don't believe that I'll get out of here anytime soon. The golem led me to this office where a man was standing. He was wearing a black and purple suit, matching the golem holding me down. He turned to me, smiling. "Ah, Petra, you finally arrived."

Hope you guys enjoyed this part! I may get the next part up soon, so keep an eye out for that! Thanks for reading!

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