Part Four

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Petra's POV

"Wh-what do you want with me?" I say nervously. I try to hide my fear in my voice, but it doesn't work. "Nothing, really, except for you," he replies calmly. The golem pushes me towards the person and guards the door behind me. I look around the office of his. It was kind of cool, but also creepy at the same time.

I ask, "Why am I here? What is this place?" He looks out the window for a few moments, then says, "Welcome to the Sunshine Institute, Petra. You're quite a hot-headed one, aren't you?" I angrily glare at him after he said the part about me being "hot-headed."

"Anyways, here, it says that you are a hot-headed, ferocious warrior, Petra, I'm surprised," he continues, reading from a paper that suddenly appeared in his hands. "But that's going to change now, isn't it, hmm?"

I didn't know what to say at this point. I didn't want him knowing anything else about me so I kept quiet during his long monologue of talking, but then, he said something that caught my attention:

"...there are prisoners, such as yourself, and there are others who are here to keep them in order."

"Wh-what do you mean by others who keep them in order?" I say, stammering. It's a nervous habit of mine. He looks at me with a grin. Not a happy-go-lucky one. A kind of evil one. "See for yourself," he says, pointing towards the glass panels. I look down and see Jack and Nurm being dragged away by other golems. "What are you doing to them?" I say angrily. "Just keeping the place in order," he replies, then speaks to his radio, "bring the eyepatched one."

A few moments later, a golem drags Jack in. He was shouting for them to let him go. They push him to the floor and he sees me standing there. "Petra! You're alright!" he says. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" I answer, helping him up. 

"Now," the bald guy says calmly, and the golem guarding the door grabbed Jack and dropped him in a machine. It had a piston attached and a block of iron. "Meet the Iron Breath-Taker," the other guy says. "Be defiant, Petra, and your friend gets a taste of this marvelous device."

I look worriedly towards Jack, and he says back, "Don't worry, Petra, I'll be alright." Then, the bald guy pulls a lever, causing the iron block to fall onto Jack's head, causing him to suffocate. I could hear his muttering while being suffocated and said, "Let him go!"

"Join our force, Petra, and your friend will be alright," the guy said. I look back at Jack then turn back to the guy. "Alright, I'll join you, just let him go!" I say with agony. He smiles, then switches the lever off. The iron block is removed from Jack's head, and he coughs a bit after being suffocated. He turns to me, saying, "Petra... I..."

I turn around and face him, now wearing the same outfit as the other guy, and I had to take off my bandana, which sucks. I really like that bandana, you know? Instead, I wore a grey and purple helmet with a vizor-like goggles attached. "I'm sorry, Jack, I had to," I say.

Part Five done! Finally after some brilliant brainstorming! (Haha, nope!) Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Thanks for reading!

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