Part Three

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Jesse's POV

"Huh? Where am I...?" I mutter groggily as I stood up. I looked around and saw white everywhere I looked. And these floating bubble-like objects surrounding me were particularly bizarre. What kind of world is this?, I thought to myself as I continued to explore the white world.

As I walked around, I noticed the bubbles had pictures in them. I peer into the clear surface of one of them and saw Petra talking to a strange, bald man dressed in black. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I just watched the scene. Strange. I've never seen him before or ever in my life. What is he doing with Petra?

I continued to look into other bubbles, some showing old memories that I had forgotten or just happy moments in my life. One of them showed the time when me and my friends explored an ancient temple and found an enchanted flint and steel. Another showed the moment that we became heroes after the Witherstorm attacked.

Where did the Admin even take me? And why did he put me here? I'm not a champion or a hero. I just help my friends and do whatever it takes to help out. (I bet Petra would add a remark here about me being the humble one) Moments ago, I was wearing my regular armor that I wore on my adventures and the next thing I knew it, I was wearing a red glowing one.

It's really weird to be floating and walking at the same time, isn't it? Well, that's how gravity works here in this "white world." Every-time I place my foot down, I feel weightless. It is weird.

I wonder how Petra is doing. I hope she is alright, I just know it! She's one of the strongest people I've ever met in my whole life and I know she can do anything! Stay strong, Petra. I'll find a way out.

Yes, finally done with Part Three! I'm thinking of doing like alternative POV's on both Petra and Jesse, so that it's less boring that way! Part Four is coming soon! Thanks for reading!

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