Part Seven

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Petra's POV

"Welcome to the Zombie Mines, Petra, darling!" Stella says, walking up to me. I scowled at her words, and turned away. Lluna walked up to us, too. Both were wearing associate outfits, with Lluna wearing a dark purple and black scarf with a black hat. She (Lluna, not Stella) grunted and pushed Stella from behind. "Lluna, darling, stop that!" she said.

The room was a bit creepy and eerie at the same time. Redstone torches were placed on the wall, causing red glows throughout the room. Mob spawners were on the floor, probably to spawn zombies. There was a gate at the end of the room too. I asked one of the associates where it led to, and she said, "That's Prisoner X's cave. Don't go there if you know what's good for you."

I whispered to Jack and Nurm, "Maybe this 'Prisoner X' knows how to get out of here." Jack nods, replying, "Yeah, she's pretty famous around here. She's all they talk about. 'They' meaning the other prisoners." 

"Maybe she can help us escape this place! She knows her way around this place more than anyone else here," I say, looking at Jack. He agrees, nodding his head again. I look at the gate leading to Prisoner X's cave and shook it. It was locked. Of course.

"It's locked," I hiss to Jack. He looks around the gate and sees redstone connected to the gate. "I think this will open the gate. We just need something to connect it with." he says, pointing. We empty our pockets for anything that we could use for opening the gate. I had some sticks (from nervous whittling, it's another habit). Jack had the cobblestone ready. I took a stick and placed it with the stone block. Poof! Lever crafted.

"Bingo," I whisper excitedly. I took the lever and placed it so that it connected with the redstone to the large gate. Jack pushed the lever and the gate opened with a deep rumbling sound, as if nobody had entered here for a while. I smile at my comrades, ready to do anything. But suddenly, in a shower of purple sparks, the Admin appeared. He angrily looked at me, Jack, and Nurm and picks us up with telekinesis.

"What do you think you're doing?" he screeched. I glare at him, knowing what he did to my friend. He waved his hand and the Warden appeared, eating a slice of cake. When he saw the Admin, he dropped it. "Warden, I'm very disappointed with you," the Admin says.

The Warden says, "Oh, I'm, uh, a nervous eater, yeah, that's it." The Admin rolled his eyes. "No, not that! It's just that you couldn't keep these three in line for one single day!"

The Warden look scared for a moment, but then he turned to us, glaring. "You couldn't bother with trouble, can you? Now I'm in trouble because of you!"

I angrily glared at both of them. I had nothing to say, so glaring is my way to go. Then, the Admin started teleporting the people in the room away, leaving only a cloud of dust and purple sparks in their place. Just like when he took Jesse. I filled with rage. But there was nothing I could do, for the Admin's power was greater than mine or Jesse's.

"Now, time for some real fun," he says, grinning evily. He waved his arms, and pieces of the floor starting breaking up, rising. He put them together, making a platform standing in mid-air. He dropped only me on it, which gave me some damage (fall damage), but it wasn't too bad. Then, the Admin says, "Time to test my new champion in a battle. Against you, Petra."

He shook his hand, and in a cloud of dust emerged a silhouette that I recognized at once.


Yes! Almost done here, just need to write the battle and the ending, which is similar to the real battle except with a few changes! Thanks for reading!

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