Part Seven (Continued)

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Jesse's POV

I've been waiting here for days now. It's been lonely and boring here with no one to talk to, no one to have fun with you. I wish someone was here with me. I would've gone crazy, being stuck in this prison-like place by myself. I wasn't a champion! Why am I here?

I do hope that Petra and the others are alright. That is what's keeping me alive at the moment. I hold onto that sliver of hope, drifting further and further with each passing minute. Maybe they don't care about me. Maybe they left me here to die.

No. No, they wouldn't do that. They're my friends. None of us would abandon our friends. We stick together, no matter what. I sigh, crossing my arms together. I can't leave this place. I tried multiple times. No one can escape. That thought made me shudder. I wonder how others before me got out. Probably directly through the Admin himself.

I continued to stare mindlessly into the clear bubbles floating around me. I stroked my long, raven-colored hair as I stood up. I clipped my hair back with my red-colored hairclip, feeling a surge of power flow through me. Then, I see sparks fly around me, like a vortex. I close my eyes and then, everything goes still. I open my green eyes wide at my new surroundings. I am sitting down on a platform, dust flying everywhere, with the Admin saying, "Time to test my new champion in a battle. Against you, Petra."

Petra?, I thought excitedly. I emerged from the dust cloud and saw Petra. She saw me and gasped. I was happy to see her, too, until the Admin cut through. "Now, my champion, fight." he says with a grin. I couldn't, not after all that I did. But I couldn't do a thing. The Admin took over.

Just a repeat of the last part but in Jesse's POV! And a bit of a sneak peek for those who want to know! Thanks for reading!

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