Lex Luthor/OC Kent (Clarks older sister)

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I was rewatching smallville and thought a couple of things

1) Lex was never really given a chance everyone was always saying that he's bad and you can't trust him so he just gave up and decided to be what everyone thought he is

2) what if Clark had an older sister who was sent with him to earth I think Clark is about 15 in season one so what if she is about 3 years older so she would be 18 in season one and is in either her second last year of school ( I think that Junior year) or her last year of school (her senior year)

3) What if OC was with Clark when Lex hit him with his car and help saved Lex she see's something in Lex that she knows she can trust him and they are each other's soulmates and at the end of episode 1  she tells him the truth but ask Lex not to let anyone know she told him even Clark and Lex protects her and help her stay in the background

I want Lex to get a happy ending
So here's my story ideas
1) Lex/OC Kent (Clark's Older sister)

OC sees the good in Lex and trust him from the very beginning she stands up for him against other people like her father and Pete Ross

at the end of episode 1  she tells him the truth but ask Lex not to let anyone know she told him even Clark and Lex protects her and help her stay in the background and he does what happens in season 4 or 5  the rest of the Kent family find out Lex has know from the beginning  about OC and Clark and has kept it a secret from everyone and even helped them

She has the same powers as Clark and the same hair colour but with purple eyes 

She and Lex start dating in season two after the Desire Atkins episode and Lex does not get involved with Lana Lang or Helen and they won't cheat on each other
they get married in season 4
Lionel Luthor is the bad guy and is the enemy of Clark not Lex 

2) pretty much the same idea as the first one but what if OC is evil as well as Lex and is his soulmate

If this idea is any good let me know what you think and if you might be interested in writing a story with these ideas
You can decide on her personality and what she looks like except the hair and eyes

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

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