Lex Luthor/OC (Martha's niece)

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I was listening to these songs and thought they might be good songs to describe Lex and OC's relationship with each other

Lex has someone who believes in him
Loves and trusts him supports him

You are the only exception
Here's to us
I saw them on YouTube the glee versions

And Amanda Seyfried's version of Mama Mia song I've Been Waiting For You
what if OC sung this one her wedding anniversary at their party to Lex to show how she feels about him and to let him know she is pregnant

What I imagine OC to look like☝️She is about 19 to 20 in season 2 when she comes to visit with her grandfather She loves to sing as a hobby and will sing in open mic 🎤 nights, join plays and singing clubs she sings to enjoy but not make a job out...

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What I imagine OC to look like☝️
She is about 19 to 20 in season 2 when she comes to visit with her grandfather
She loves to sing as a hobby and will sing in open mic 🎤 nights, join plays and singing clubs she sings to enjoy but not make a job out of it in case she loses her love for singing

OC is a strong independent woman who works for what she want becomes a lawyer
When Lex is committed OC fights to have him put into her care and wins ( you can choose before or after the electroshock)

OC moves to smallville when Lex hires her to be his lawyer

What if Martha Kent had a sister but her and her husband died in a car crash

OC is the daughter of Martha's sister she was about 7 or 8 when her parents died in the car crash (the same year as the meteor shower)

OC is sent to live with her grandfather (Martha's dad) after the car crash as the Kent's have just adopted Clark and they don't think it would be a good idea to take her in

Being raised by her grandfather meant she was raised to be a strong independent woman who if you want something you work hard to get it and not just have it be given to you. OC also understands what it's like to be in the spotlight and raised by nannies and to act a certain way and that sometimes you have to dress to impress

As she was raised by her grandfather and not the Kent's she isn't as bigoted against people with money or Lex she was raised by a lawyer and will fight for the people she cares about

OC comes with her grandfather in season 2 when Martha calls him in season 2 while Martha and her dad talk Clark offers to show OC around town so they can get to know each other

When they go to the Talon Lana, Chloe, Pete and Lex are there
Lana and Chloe are jealous
Pete surprised
Lex are impressed
Until Clark introduces her as his cousin while Clark is getting their orders OC sits with Lex

Her and Lex hit it of and Lex asks OC out on a date
When the family find out some are happy for her (Clark and her grandfather) cautions (Martha) and against it (Jonathan)

When Jonathan tells her she shouldn't date Lex she asks him why his reasons are
He is up to something
He wants something and that he is a Luthor

OC doesn't like this and counters his reason say so because he is a Luthor he has to be up to something and the only reason Lex asked her out is because he wants something not because Lex finds her an interesting person and want to get to know her she also confronts Jonathan on his bigotry on people with money

OC and Lex get married and have kids
Lex won't marry Helen or Lana
OC and Lex won't cheat on each other
Lionel is the bad guy

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

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