Lex Luthor/OC (Bella Swan's sister)

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OC is Bella's twin sister who asked her parents if she could live with Charlie in forks when she was ten. Growing up she often went with her dad to La Push and heard their legends and that was what she thought they were  until the Cullens moved to Forks after seeing them she realised what they were when she figured it out she said nothing to anybody about them

When Bella moved to forks and got involved with Edward she kept her distance still as she did not want to be involved with vampires

During Twilight OC applies for an internship at LuthorCorp she gets her reply a month after twilight and moves to metropolis before her birthday and before Bella's party with the Cullens when she gets what has happened she offers to come back home to help with Bella but her dad won't let her he wants her to live her dream in metropolis he can look after Bella

When OC starts her internship she works her way up and meets Lex and Lionel Luthor who are impressed with her work

When Lionel sends Lex to Smallville he sends OC with him and was in the car with Lex when it went over the bridge she saw the roll of metal on the road and tells that to Jonathan when he judges Lex's driving
(Lionel thought sending OC with Lex he would have the perfect spy but he didn't know that Lex and OC are friends and she gives him false information)

OC takes Lex to Bella's wedding as her date as they have been together for a month I figure around season 2 of smallville

Edward and Bella try to warn OC about Lex and what Edward reads in his mind but the truth is OC already knows and gets angry for trying to tell her how to live her life and with who

OC also finds proof of Helen's plans to kill Lex which stop him from proposing to Helen

OC doesn't approve of Bella wanting to be a vampire but tells her it her life and she should live it how she wants but after Bella does become a vampire to please not contact her again as she does not want to be involved with vampires she wants to live her life as a human married to lex and having his children

Lex doesn't marry Helen or Lana
Lex and OC won't cheat
Lionel can be the bad guy or you can OC and Lex as the bad guys

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape
No child abuse

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